Business Cards
How do I order business cards?
Business cards are now ordered completely online using the Business Card and Letterhead Request Form. The business card is created automatically, based on the number of choices you will be given. You will also have the opportunity to preview and approve your card before submitting your online request to the appropriate office that will authorize its issuance. All faculty and staff business cards are approved by the Office of the Provost and the Office of Human Resources, respectively.
You will be notified by email once the business card has been approved or updated, prompting you to send a Job Order Form to the AUC Print Shop so that it may proceed with printing. If the card is not approved one week from submission, faculty members should check with Injy Abbas at [email protected] and Caroline Nasr at [email protected] in the Office of the Provost, and staff members should check with Alaa Abdel Halim at [email protected], Doaa Fathy at [email protected] and Hussein Mostafa at [email protected] in the Office of Human Resources. Printed cards will be available for pickup at the AUC print shop. For inquiries or if you face any technical problems with the Business Card and Letterhead Request Form, email [email protected].
I’ve placed an order online, but where is my business card?
If you are a faculty member and have submitted a business card for approval, you can follow up with Injy Abbas at [email protected] and Caroline Nasr at [email protected] in the Office of the Provost. If you are a staff member, check with Alaa Abdel Halim at [email protected], Doaa Fathy at [email protected] and Hussein Mostafa at [email protected] in the Office of Human Resources to ensure your card has been approved. If it has been approved, you must send a Job Order Form to the AUC Print Shop to ensure your card is charged to the appropriate office or department budget. The AUC Print Shop will not print your business card without receiving a Job Order Form. To follow up on the printing of your card, contact the AUC Print Shop at ext. 4111 or ext. 4479.
I want to include more than three titles on my business card. Who should I contact?
Due to space limitations, the automated business card system has a character limit for each line. However, there are several combinations of titles that are available through the system. The title you choose has to be approved by either the Office of the Provost or the Office of Human Resources before the card is printed.
Branding Guidelines
What are AUC’s approved fonts and colors?
Our Branding and Visual Identity Manual can be found here.
Can I get the AUC fonts and colors?
Yes, send an email to [email protected] and we will share with you the requested fonts and colors.
Publication Design and Editing Services
How do I create a printed publication for my office, program or department?
The Office of Marketing Communication and Public Affairs provides free design and editorial services for all official, promotional University publications issued on behalf of an office or department. This does not include individual work, research or technical publications. After you have decided on the final text you would like to include in your publication, you should submit it using the Communication Services Form. Note that deadlines will vary and may take up to several weeks for large publications or publications submitted during peak times. Therefore, we advise that you plan early and send your items well in advance. Our editorial and design team is ready to help you produce professional publications that comply with AUC’s branding and editorial guidelines. Visit the Creative Services page to view the steps to produce a publication and the estimated project completion times. If you face any problems or would like to set an appointment to discuss your project, please email [email protected].
Can I create my own design for a publication? What are the procedures?
Yes, you can create or design your own promotional publication as long as it complies with the University’s branding and editorial policy. For more details; check out the AUC University Policies.
I approved my requested project but did not receive the printed material yet. Where can I find it?
Once your project is approved, the publication will be sent by email (you will be copied) to the AUC print shop. You will need to contact the AUC Print Shop at ext. 4111 or ext. 4479 to follow up.
Website Requests
Is an external organization permitted to add a link on the AUC website?
Only partner academic institutions or corporate partners in accordance with the University’s sponsorship policy may have links on the AUC website.
Can I edit my webpage?
To make edits to your page, you need to have a content management system (CMS) account and be trained on how to use Drupal. The Office of Marketing Communication and Public Affairs provides regular training sessions for new users. Each department or office may have up to two users per account. To request a new CMS account or to register for a training session, submit a Website Services Form, and the Digital Communications Unit will contact you to schedule a training session.
Photo and Video Requests
Who do I contact if I need pictures of AUC?
Members of the AUC community should send an email to [email protected] with their request, describing the type of photos they need and the reason they need them, and we will process the request within two working days. Journalists should contact the Media Relations Unit.
Can I get access to the photo archive?
The photo archive is only accessible to staff members in the Office of Marketing Communication and Public Affairs. If you need a picture, please email [email protected].
Do you provide video recording services?
The Office of Marketing Communication and Public Affairs does not provide video recording services to the University.
How do I upload videos on AUC's YouTube channel?
In order to enhance the University’s communications channels, schools can have their own YouTube channels that follow these guidelines. This also applies to centers that are not affiliated with schools. Make sure to sign the Social Media Compliance Agreement before creating your own YouTube channel. Do not upload videos for which you have not secured the written consent of the speaker. You can download the video authorization form to be used to receive permission from your speakers to publish their content online.
Events Submissions on Happening@AUC
How do I submit events to the calendar?
You can effectively promote your upcoming event through various channels, including our official AUC website, AUC Connect, the weekly newsletter, and AUC's social media pages. We also offer the opportunity to pitch events to external platforms, pending approval from the editorial board and respective platforms.
To start promoting your event, simply submit it on AUC Connect under the Public and Community Events group. Be sure to provide all the necessary details, including a comprehensive description, accurate date and location, high-resolution picture(s)/visual and the registration link if applicable. All events submitted through the University calendar and marked as public will be edited and will automatically appear in the weekly Happening@AUC newsletter, which is issued every Thursday. For questions, contact us at [email protected].
How do I get a story published in News@AUC or AUCToday?
While the Office of Marketing Communication and Public Affairs welcomes all story ideas and suggestions to News@AUC, the editorial team makes the final determination on what stories to publish. If a story is selected, the office's staff members will conduct all the needed interviews, take the pictures and write the story. News@AUC retains the right not to run a story at any time, even if it was previously written.
How do I send an email to the entire AUC community?
In order to prevent large volumes of daily emails, University policy does not permit the sending of "all-AUC" announcements or events. Specific emails may be sent to students through the student portal or to faculty through the Office of the Provost. The president, provost, vice presidents and particular offices, such as transportation, human resources or security, are authorized to send out emails to the entire AUC community in specific circumstances.
Media Relations
How do I get media coverage for my event or story?
You should contact the Media Relations Unit two weeks before the event to alert the media and invite journalists, when appropriate.
Who is responsible for the University’s social media presence?
The Office of Marketing Communication and Public Affairs' Marketing Unit is responsible for AUC’s official social media presence.
How do I create a Facebook page?
Check our Social Media Policy for more information.
How do I get tickets for a concert or a play?
Tickets for plays may be purchased through the AUC Center for the Arts ticket booth. Many events on campus do not require tickets. To learn more, check the listing of the particular concert or event on Happening@AUC.
How do I get permission to shoot on campus for non-media purposes?
Check the Campus Filming and Photography Policy to learn more.
How do I advertise or promote a certain product at AUC?
AUC does not permit advertising or product promotions on campus. You can contact Manar Ayoub at [email protected] in the Office of Alumni and Office of Student Life at [email protected].
Who is responsible for placing ads in newspapers? How do I find out the prices?
Individual departments or offices are responsible for contacting the newspaper in which they wish to advertise to inquire about rates and reserve space. The Office of Marketing Communication and Public Affairs will design your ad once you have determined its size. To use this service, you should fill out the Communication Services Form, which will ask you to specify the size and details of the ad. All advertising on behalf of the University or any of its schools, centers or departments must be approved by the Office of Marketing Communication and Public Affairs.
How do I livestream my event?
The Office of Marketing Communication and Public Affairs is not involved in livestreaming events on campus. Due to the staff costs associated with streaming events and the low viewership, recording the event and posting it on YouTube is a much more effective approach. You can contact Academic and Campus Technologies Support Services at [email protected].
How can I edit my entry in the University directory?
Edits to webpages are handled by the authorized page administrator in that school, center or office. Changes and updates to individual listings in the University directory are handled by the Office of the Provost or the Office of Human Resources through this link.