Student Organizations
- Student Life
- Student Organizations
The student organizations are divided into five main themes: Academic and Career-Related, Community Service and Civic Engagement, Arts and Culture, Tech and Special Interests, and Student Engagement and Outreach.

Academic and Career-Related
The Accounting Association strives to serve accounting students and prepare them with skills and knowledge and ensure that they are well-equipped professional financial leaders in the business world.

ASME AUC Student Section is an official representative of the ASME organization at AUC. It aims to provide mechanical engineering students in AUC with learning and development opportunities. ASME helps the global engineering community develop solutions to real-world challenges. Founded in1880 as the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME is a not-for-profit professional organization that enables collaboration, knowledge sharing and skill development across all engineering disciplines, while promoting the vital role of the engineer in society.
The Architecture Association aims to attain all standards of excellence in different aspects and services to ensure that the association is a sufficient platform for all architecture students, where the association serves the student body by providing facilities, opportunities and services.
The Biology Association’s mission is to serve undergraduate Biology students by supporting the educational mission of the Department of Biology, enabling biology students to advance on the academic, intellectual, and professional levels. The association aspires to focus on the psychological side of the students by offering them different social and
entertainment events to relieve academic stress. In addition, the association is open to all students who are interested in biology.
The Business Association (BA) is an entity that aims to serve business students both academically and socially by keeping them connected with the business community and empowering their learning process and to bridge the distance between business students, the School of Business, and
employers through integrating academic knowledge, practical experience, and leisure activities.
The Chemistry Club is in parallel support to the educational mission of the Department of Chemistry to serve and develop chemistry students on the academic and professional levels. It is open to all students interested in chemistry.
The Construction Engineering Association aims at serving construction engineering students and empowering them to be amongst the
next generation of leaders and to build one sustainable association for construction engineering students that would provide a foundation for networking and exchange of experiences, as well as expose students to the construction industry inside and outside Egypt.
Developers Inc. is an established student organization in AUC that aims to create a community of proactive students that take the responsibility of developing the rest of the community, creating change in the student body.
The Economics Association aims to help students find their passion and career in economics. EA tries to help students in any way possible whether through acting as a liaison between students and faculty or paving the way for students to discover what their life after university will look like
Enactus is an international non-profit that believes investing in students who take entrepreneurial action for others creates a better world for us all.
The Entrepreneurs' Society is a student-led organization based at AUC that aims to spread entrepreneurial spirit on both a local and international level.
The Math, Actuarial and Data Science Association strives to serve, represent and empower students majoring or minoring in actuarial science, mathematics and data science through hosting info sessions, training sessions, workshops and competitions and ensure a smooth academic experience.
Mechanical Engineering Association is the core of activities for mechanical engineering students. It is focused on developing students through three concepts:
- Learning the concepts and applications of mechanical engineering and its relation to society
- Developing the society and students academically and socially through theoretical and practical approaches
- Applying all that has been learned in mechanical engineering for the benefit of society and the people around you
The mission of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is to collect, disseminate and exchange technical knowledge concerning the exploration, development and production of oil and gas resources and related technologies for the public benefit; and to provide opportunities for professionals to enhance their technical and professional competence.
The Society of Physics Students is the AUC chapter of the international SPS of the American Institute of Physics. It connects all physics students, graduates and all interests with the field. Additionally, it presents science and physics for all society in an accessible and engaging way. It offers many opportunities, accessibility to publications, and events for students.

Community Service and Civic Engagement
Meeting the necessary developmental and educational needs of unprivileged children and homeless youth.
The Animal Rights Association aims to make a difference in the community, by increasing public awareness of animal welfare in Egypt and reducing cruelty towards animals.
The Anthropology Sociology Egyptology (ASE) Student Association aims to foster an environment of knowledge exchange, creativity, and passion for the social sciences that is accessible to students in the SEA Department, School of Humanities and Social Sciences and AUC. We aim to achieve this by organizing discussions, film screenings, trips and various other events around the themes tackled by the fields of anthropology, sociology and Egyptology. By encouraging dialogue between students from various disciplines and departments, we aim to create a community that is engaged and passionate about humanities and social sciences.
[email protected]
Supporting cancer patients and survivors, as well as their families through their recovery journey, in addition to promoting cancer awareness among the community.
Taking care of the needs of the elderly population, with a special focus on those in nursing homes.
Initiating developmental projects in Masr El-Adima region through renovating houses and introducing literacy programs.
Promoting community development and civic engagement in Egypt through developmental and charity work.
The Political Science Students Association endeavors to assist, flourish, and inspire its constituent’s ambitions whether its academic sophistication or within the dimensions of extracurricular venture or career attainment. PSSA addresses a platform that aims to rectify and reconstitute the academic political science spectrum of course selection, fellowship and distinguished curriculum, and to safeguard the vocation and profession of our future leaders.
The Psychology Association aims to guide, inspire and develop psychology students and the community they form by creating an environment of excitement and growth.
Developing unprivileged neighborhoods (mainly Al-Deweiqa region) through providing education, clothes and conducting home repairs. Furthermore, arranging blood drives.
Helping the homeless population in Cairo by providing the necessary tools that help them out of homelessness for good, as well as aiding those with disabilities.
Sabeel is a community that works towards establishing a closer relationship with our identity and building a nation through science, knowledge, and wisdom.
Serenity Society is a platform for character development, knowledge expansion, and inner peace.
Targeting the welfare of orphans in Cairo through providing them with education, clothes and smoothing over their transition in leading a life outside of the orphanage.

Arts and Culture
Tap and Hip Hop Troupes are two great opportunities for American Dance enthusiasts to explore different cultures, music, and meet new passionate people through exciting techniques and upbeat music genres.
AUST aims to contribute to AUC’s global mission by inspiring young AUC students to engage in changing the world through training them to become scout leaders and actively engaging them in the unconventional scout method to learn non-traditional methods of self-development.
The Film Association strives to help further innovate and develop the film program in a way that caters to students' needs. The Film Association's vision is to also create a closely-knit community and network for future film professionals.
The AUC Egyptian Folklore Troupe actively works on celebrating and spreading awareness about the Egyptian culture through on and off-campus performances, partaking in local and international festivals across the years.
The Graphic Design Association aims at providing graphic design students at AUC with the best, simplest, most effective and most efficient learning experience possible by engaging them in extracurricular activities, meeting and listening to their needs, and providing them with a variety of workshops to help them explore their interests further.
The Mass Communication Association aims at staying relevant to all mass communications students by providing academic and entertainment value that fulfills their needs, in addition to representing them professionally in front of other formal entities to capitalize on opportunities as they arise.
Musicana finds the artist in you.
This club is dedicated to the love of fashion.

The Philosophy Association supports, develops, and entertains AUC's philosophy students.
AUC Theatre and Film Club provides a platform for all AUC students who are eager to learn about all aspects of theatre and film, from acting to technicalities. With numerous departments like HR and operations to serve its members, TFC has a variety of directories that will definitely give you one of a kind experience.
The AUC’s Literature Club aims at bringing together AUC students of all majors who share an interest in literature.
VAA strives to create a platform for AUC students to express themselves through art. It aims to establish a community where art enthusiasts can showcase their work, engage in discussions about the art scene in Cairo, get the chance to meet and learn from established artists and much more.
[email protected]

Tech and Special Interests

The mission of Al-Quds Club at AUC is to advocate for and contribute to the Palestinian cause through education, representation, and community engagement. We aim to create a platform for dialogue, learning, and action, empowering students to be informed and compassionate advocates for Palestinian rights and liberation. By fostering a culture of understanding and respect, we seek to make a meaningful impact both on campus and in the broader context of the Palestinian struggle.
The Astronomy Club, at AUC, aims to spread awareness about astronomy and science in the community. The club was founded in September 2011 by Ramy El Adli.
The Computer Science and Engineering Association strives to represent and pursue the interests and aspirations in computer science and engineering majors. CSEA aims at facilitating communication between the departments and students and the outer world as well. CSEA strives to build a stable organization with solid foundation to realize and maintain this vision.
The Electronics and Communications Engineering Association aims to form an effective and efficient local government serving the collective interests of the students in this major, prepare them for effective living in a democratic society, and enhance their academic experience.
Google Developer Student Clubs (GDSC) are community groups for college and university students interested in Google developer technologies. Students from all undergraduate or graduate programs with an interest in growing as a developer are welcome. By joining a GDSC, students grow their knowledge in a peer-to-peer learning environment and build solutions for local businesses and their community. Our Objective is To bridge the gap between theory and practice, Google Developer Student Clubs exist for that purpose. GDSC is an opportunity to experience what it means to be a part of a community that shares the
same passion and interests in Google technologies.
Heya is a feminist initiative working to support, empower and educate women within and beyond the scope of the AUC community. Through fostering dialogue, enlivening debate, and initiating action, Heya seeks to create a safe, proactive, and inspirational space for passionate and critical youth.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. An IEEE Student Branch gives students a community of peers and a connection to faculty and industry professionals who drive innovation in countless technical fields. Student involvement in branch activities, whether special projects, social and technical meetings, outreach programs, conferences, local Section or Regional opportunities and others, can help develop a record of accomplishment and capabilities beyond the norm. Here at AUC, we collaborate with many other branches to hold different events that benefit the AUC community and create our own academic tracks that enhance the community's technical skills.
OSC aims to spread the free software movement by creating a well-structured community ready to support other AUC clubs. Free software is an ethical imperative and essential respect for the users’ freedom. The philosophy of FOSS (Free Open Source Software) addresses the issues of proprietary software that leads to the unconscious spread of privacy invasion spyware.
The Robotics Club is a student-run organization at AUC that develops members' academic and soft skills through technical programs, hosting events, and joining competitions.

Outreach and Student Engagement
African Heritage Association aims to acknowledge all cultures of African ancestry encouraging a positive image of African heritage and people.
AIESEC AUC has one of the biggest international networks and has been aligning with international direction.
Biomedical Innovators (BMI) is an organization that aims to provide students interested in biomedical engineering and innovation with engagement and connection in the healthcare industry and academia. The organization serves to promote a collaborative environment to advance human health through education, innovation and translation by creating activities where engineering and business students can gain hands-on experience related to medical technology, work on interdisciplinary projects that can solve or improve problems in the medical and healthcare fields and learn how to pitch medical project integrating in the medical, business and academic sectors.
The Cairo International Model United Nations is a student-run conference at AUC.
The CEMS Club Cairo is an association of CEMS students at The American University in Cairo (AUC). It is founded on two main pillars: Enriching the students’ experience at AUC and quickly merging international CEMS students with the AUC vibrant environment through organizing a set of events and projects
The GSA provides and supports a community for the graduate community of AUC through various outlets and activities that encourage and support their well-being, success, and achievement at AUC and for the future; as a resource and as representatives to and of the American University in Cairo (AUC) graduate student body.
This initiative aims to create a safe and welcoming environment for the AUC community to discuss differences and enhance diversity. We want to make the AUC campus inclusive for all with a positive atmosphere for interfaith and intercultural dialogue.

Student Union
- Academic Committee
- Community Engagement Committee
- Events Committee
- Fundraising Committee
- Human Resources Committee
- Marketing Committee
- Public Relations Committee
- Services Committee
- Treasury Committee
- Representative Committee
- Technology and Innovation Committee

QAF has a vision to empower today’s Egyptian society in grasping modern sciences, and a mission to empower AUC students with access to advances in modern multidisciplinary sciences and equip them with the Arabic gears.