Tomorrow’s Leaders Graduate Program for Graduate students
After being previously awarded the Tomorrow’s Leaders Program (TLG) for undergraduate students, AUC received Tomorrow’s Leaders grant for graduate students funded by the U.S. Department of State in the amount of $2,500,000 for a duration of five years.
TLG equips academically qualified and economically disadvantaged students with the professional qualifications and experience needed to advance knowledge and contribute to the achievement of socially relevant outcomes.
"Receiving support for establishing a Tomorrow's Leaders program for graduate students at AUC is very exciting for me and for the team at the Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies,” said Adham Ramadan, dean of graduate studies. “We look forward to having graduate students from the selected MENA countries join the Graduate Studies community on campus and be involved in exciting research with our world-renowned faculty members in the fields of Education, Economics, Migration and Refugee Studies, and Nanotechnology."
The TLG-AUC program is designed to support 19 socioeconomically disadvantaged and geographically diverse TLG applicants to pursue their master’s degree, within a period of three years, in one of the following four disciplines: Economics, International & Comparative Education, Migration and Refugee Studies, and Nanotechnology.
The primary objective of the TLG Program is to build a cadre of professional leaders who are civic-minded, intellectually able, and professionally skilled, to become the community, business, and national leaders of the future. The program intends to cultivate leadership skills and the spirit of civic engagement and volunteerism among outstanding graduate students at U.S. accredited institutions of higher learning based in the MENA region.