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AUC's annual turkey hunt brings the Thanksgiving spirit to campus

AUC's Great Turkey Hunt: Where is the Turkey on Campus?

Do you know where the turkey is? Here are some clues on where the three turkeys are hidden around campus:

  • Enjoy your lunch with the the first turkey in the gardens
  • "Check out" the second turkey studying for finals in the AUC Library
  • Hang out with the third turkey in HUSS

To win, be the first student or the first faculty member or the first staff member to bring this turkey to the Office of Advancement and Communications on the plaza level of the Administration Building, P008. If you win, you will receive a real turkey. Only one student, one faculty member and one staff member may win. 

Follow AUC's Great Turkey Hunt on Facebook for hints and updates throughout the day.

 أين الديك الرومي؟

P008 قم بإحضاره إلى مكتب التطوير والاتصالات   بطابق البلازا بالمبنى الإداري، مكتب
لو كنت أول طالب أو أول عضو هيئة تدريس أو أول موظف يتعرف على مكان الديك، ستحصل على ديك رومي حقيقي. تتاح فرصة الفوز لطالب واحد، وعضو هيئة تدريس واحد، وموظف واحد.
