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Yasser Elshayeb

  • Position: Professor
  • Department: Department of Petroleum and Energy Engineering
Brief Biography

Yasser Elshayeb is a Professor of Engineering at the American University in Cairo and the Chief of Party of the “Center of Excellence for Water,” a USAID funded project aiming at creating the Center of Excellence for Water at Alexandria University in cooperation with various Universities, Research centers, Public and Private Sector in Egypt and the USA.

Elshayeb is a graduate of Cairo University in 1990 with a degree in Mining Engineering and had a PhD from "Nancy School of Mines" in France on the Contribution of Fuzzy Logic to Geotechnical Risk Assessment of some Ancient Tombs at the Valley of the Kings in Egypt.

He has been active in teaching and research in various Engineering subjects: rock engineering, rock mechanics, data analysis, cultural heritage management, risk assessment, and project management.

Since 2006, Elshayeb was highly involved in setting up the Euro Mediterranean policies and dialogues on higher education, research, innovation, and culture, as a focal point of many Euro Mediterranean programs in Egypt and presided many senior officials' meetings within the Euro Mediterranean space.

Since his early years, Elshayeb has developed a passion for various fields of science and knowledge dissemination.

Research Interest
  • Applied rock mechanics and rock engineering
  • Natural, environmental, and industrial risk analysis and vulnerability assessment.
  • Data analytics applications (statistics, data Mining, big data, DSS, GIS, Fuzzy Logic and AI)
  • Cultural and natural heritage management
  1. MORISHIMA, K. et al. Discovery of a big void in Khufu’s Pyramid by observation of cosmic-ray muons. Nature, Volume: 552, Page: 386-390,  http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature24647 (2017).
  2. Abbas, K. ELSHAYEB, Y. IMAM, H. “Methodological Approach for the Assessment of Natural and Anthropological Hazards: Case Study on Saqqara Historical site in Egypt”, Proceeding of the ICL-IPL Conference, 8-11 March 2016, Kyoto, Japan.
  3. ELSHAYEB, Y. “The End of Science”, SCIPlanet, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Year 7, Issue 4. Autumn 2014.
  4. ISMAIL, M., IMAM, H., ELSHAYEB, Y. “A simplified approach to directly consider intact rock anisotropy in Heok-Brown failure criterion”. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Volume 6, Issue 5, October 2014, Pages 486–492
  5. ELSHAYEB, Y. “ICT and Cultural Heritage”. Proceeding of the HU-BTU First International Conference on Heritage Conservation and Site Management. Luxor, 8-11 December 2013.
  6. GAMALELDIN, M. SAID, N., SOLIMAN, A. ELSHAYEB, Y. “Application of GIS for the management and protection of Egyptian Natural Heritage: Al Orman Botanical Garden”, Proceeding of the 7th International Conference on the Geology of Africa. 24-26 November 2013, Assiut University
  7. EL-KARMOUTY, M., EL-WAGEEH, M., ABD EL-AZIZ, A. ELSHAYEB, Y. “New technique – One Three – One Two (13-12) – in Ultimate Pit limit Heuristic Algorithms” 45th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, Bor – Serbia, 16-19 October 2013.
  8. SOLYMAN, A., FAROUK, M., ELSHAYEB, Y. “Towards an eHeritage Solution (eHS)”, eChallenges, e-2012 Conference Proceeding, Paul Cunningham and Miriam Cunningham (Eds.) IIMC International Information Management Corporation, 2012 ISBN: 978-1-905824-35-9.
  9. ELSHAYEB, Y. “Zone Risk Maps: Assessment of Natural and Anthropological Risks at the Saqqara Necropolic – Egypt” Proceeding of the The 10th Anniversary Meeting, The International Consortium on landslides (ICL), Kyoto – Japan, 17-20 January 2012.
  10. HUSSEIN, H., ELSHAYEB, Y., BADAWY, A., ZAKI, K., ABOU-SAYED, A., “Case Study of Knowledge Extraction from Data to help meet Business Challenges The Move toward a Sharper I in Intelligent Wells and e-Fields”, Collaboration and the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications, Case Studies. Paul Cunningham and Miriam Cunningham (Eds) IOS Press, 2008 Amsterdam ISBN 978–1–58603–924-0.
  11. ABOUSAYED, A., ELSHAYEB, Y. ZAKI, K., “Improving Reservoir Performance and Management using Advanced Data Mining Techniques”, Proceeding of the 6th Information Management Forum, Kuwait, February 2006
  12. ELSHAYEB, Y., VERDEL, T., “Geotechnical Landslides Risk Analysis on Historical Monuments: Methodological Approach”, Landslides Risk Analysis and Sustainable Disaster Management, Sassa et. al. Editors. Springer Verlag, 2005
  13. ELSHAYEB, Y., “Zone Risk Maps: The use of GIS for Risk Assessment in the historical city of Luxor – Egypt, 4th International Symposium on Landslide Risk Mitigation and Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage. Kyoto – Japan,  January 2005
  14. MAHGOUB, S. ELSHAYEB, Y. “Financial Management Analysis: The Application of Statistical Analysis and Data Mining Techniques for the forecasting of Companies’ profitability and future trends”. Proc. of the 1st Int. Computer Engineering Conference, Giza – Egypt. Dec. 2004
  15. ELSHAYEB, Y., ALHEIB, M., JOSIEN, J-P., “Back analysis for predicting type and size of subsidence hazard over abandoned Lorraine iron mines”, 32nd Int. Geol. Congr., electronic version posted on-line on July 20, 2004, Session T11.02, Abs. 176-6, 2004
  16. ELSHAYEB, Y., “Overcoming uncertainties in Risk Analysis: Trade Off between Classical Methods of Uncertainties Analysis”, Comparative Risk Assessment and Environmental Decision Making, p. 287-295, I. Linkov and A. Bakr Ramadan (eds.) Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.
  17. ALHEIB, M., JOSIEN, J.P., ELSHAYEB, Y., “Paramètres d’affaissement pour la hiérarchisation des zones à risques dans le basin ferrifère Lorrain”, Colloque GISOS, Aps Mines, Nancy-France, February 2003.
  18. ELSHAYEB, Y., “Techniques, Methods, Approaches and Case Studies of Land Use Mapping”, UNESCO Cairo Office, Cairo-Egypt, December 2002.
  19. ELSHAYEB, Y., VERDEL, T., “Beta Cuts and Beta Reasoning to account for uncertainties in Fuzzy Logic Analysis: A new method of analysis applied to a simple Geotechnical problem”, First International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems (ICICIS 2002), Cairo-Egypt, 24-26 June 2002

ELSHAYEB Y., KOUNIALI S., JOSIEN J.P., Gueniffey, Y. “Towards the determination of the surface subsidence type over abandoned mines in the Lorraine iron basin”. EUROCK 2001.

  • PhD, Nancy School of Mines, France, 1999 “Contribution of Fuzzy Logic to the Assessment of Geotechnical Hazards with applications at one of the Pharaonic tombs at the Valley of the Kings”
  • MSc. Cairo University, Faculty of Engineering, 1996
  • Diploma of Advanced Studies, Nancy School of Mines, France, 1995
  • BSc. Cairo University, Faculty of Engineering, 1990