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Shahira S. Fahmy

  • Position: Professor
  • Department: Department of Journalism and Mass Communication
  • Email: [email protected]
Brief Biography

Shahira S. Fahmy (PhD, Missouri School of Journalism) is a distinguished Fulbright scholar and a full professor in the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication at The American University in Cairo (AUC). Fahmy is an International Communication Association (ICA) Fellow and was nominated to preside over the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), the field’s leading research, teaching, and service organization. Prior to her tenure at AUC, she was a tenured faculty member at the University of Arizona and made history as the first female Arab-American journalism and mass communication tenured full professor at a research university (R1) in the United States.

Fahmy actively participates in various EU COST projects, contributing to the examination of Interactive Digital Narratives for Complexity Representation and Radical Polarization. Her involvement in these projects strengthens European Civil Spheres in response to Illiberal Digital Media. Additionally, Fahmy is a member of the Ph.D. program at the University of Murcia in Spain.

Her research primarily focuses on visual communication and peace journalism, with recent work analyzing the impact of emerging technologies on the relationship between media and conflict. She has made significant contributions to the field by exploring visual communication in an online-first era, particularly in non-western contexts. Building on the concept of peace journalism, Fahmy’s groundbreaking studies empirically assess war versus peace frames through visual quantitative analyses. Moreover, she has broadened the scope of peace journalism to include social media and has studied the role of social platforms in digital peace building practices.

Fahmy's substantial publication record includes over 100 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters, as well as four books. She is recognized as the top social scientist in journalism and media within the Arab League by the AD Scientific Index 2023 and is ranked as the foremost scholar in communication and media studies across the African continent. Her work has garnered international acclaim, including the NCA book award in the United States. Fahmy has been honored with multiple awards at AEJMC annual conventions in North America, such as the Deborah Gump Research Award, the Ecquid Novi African Journalism Studies Award, and the Robert L. Stevenson Open Paper Competition award for the International Communication Division. She has also received accolades from the Religion and Media Interest Group, the Top Scholar to Scholar Award, and the visual communication Top Paper Award. In 2023, Fahmy was presented with AUC's Excellence in Research and Creative Endeavors Award. In 2024, she was elected as an International Communication Association (ICA) fellow, becoming the first female scholar based in Africa and the Arab region to achieve this distinction. Fellowship in the International Communication Association (ICA) acknowledges distinguished scholarly accomplishments within the communication field. Nomination for Fellow status is primarily based on a documented history of scholarly achievements.

In addition to her academic achievements, Fahmy has made significant contributions to the field through her editorial roles. She was a senior consultant and head of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Journal Publications, a role that allowed her to conceptualize and establish four academic journals in multiple languages.  Fahmy served as the associate editor of the International Communication Association's flagship Journal of Communication (JoC) from 2018 to 2022. She also served as the associate editor of Mass Communication & Society (MC&S) for almost a decade and currently sits on the editorial boards of multiple journals in the communication discipline, including JoC,Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly (JMCQ), Mass Communication & Society (MC&S), Digital Journalism, Media, War & Conflict (MWC), and Visual Communication Quarterly (VCQ).

Fahmy's expertise has led to invitations to deliver talks and keynote speeches in over 30 countries, including Switzerland, England, France, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Latvia, Bulgaria, Portugal, Hungary, Kazakhstan, South Africa, Ethiopia, China, and Pakistan. She has been honored with two Fulbright awards, enabling collaborations with esteemed institutions like the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Strategic Communication Center of Excellence in the Baltics and UNECA in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Beyond her research and teaching roles, Fahmy is dedicated to fostering excellence in journalism and communication. She actively engages with students and young researchers, providing valuable insights and support to help them succeed in their careers. Her mentorship has resulted in co-authoring more than 60 research projects with students, many of which have received prestigious international awards and were presented at AEJMC and ICA conferences.

In addition to her academic contributions, Fahmy has established an Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) Program between AUC and the University of Murcia in Spain for two consecutive years. She has also held leadership positions within ICA and AEJMC, serving as the AEJMC Chair of the Standing Committee on Publications for the 2022-2023 term. Under her guidance, the AEJMC publications committee introduced the Translation Fellows Program, established a new Engagement Editor Position, and launched the Global South Mentorship Program. Currently, she is the Vice-Chair for the Visual Communication Studies Division of ICA. Her commitment to these organizations underscores her dedication to advancing the field and fostering collaboration among scholars.

Scholarly Books/Monographs/Special Issues

  • Fahmy, S. (2024). Navigating Media Landscapes in Conflict Zones: Journalism Amidst Turmoil. Theme Collection. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. 101(3). 581-589.

  • Fahmy, S. (Ed.). (2020). Journalism and Mass Communication Research in the MENA RegionTheme Collection. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. 97(3).

  • Fahmy, S. (Ed.). (2019). Media, Terrorism and Society. Perspectives and Trends in the Digital Age. Routledge, Philadelphia. 

  • Fahmy, S. (Ed).  (2017). Mass Communication and Society. Special Issue. 20(6), Philadelphia, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

  • Zgryziewicz, R., Shaheen, J.GrzybT., Fahmy, S.  (2016). DAESH information campaign and its influence. NATO StratCom Centre of Excellence, Riga, Latvia.  ISBN: 978-9934-8582-1-5

  • Fahmy, S. (2015). Visual Framing in the Islamic State. NATO StratCom Centre of Excellence, Riga, Latvia.

  • Fahmy, S., Bock, M. & Wanta, W. (2014) Visual Communication Theory and Research: A Mass Communication Perspective. Palgrave Macmillan, New York. 

    [Recipient of the research excellence award for the most outstanding book in visual communication at NCA, Chicago, IL 2014].

  • Fahmy, S. (2010). (Ed). Images of Conflict. Media, War & Conflict. Special Issue. 3 (1),Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

  • Fahmy, S. (2007 & 2012). Filling out the frame: Transnational visual coverage and news practitioners' attitudes towards the reporting of war and terrorism. Saarbrücken, Germany: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller.

Chapters in Scholarly Books

Note: * indicates co-author was a student at the time the study was conducted and/or published.

  • Fahmy, S. & Hussain, S. (Forthcoming). War or Peace frames? Evidence from Pakistan in the Digital Era. In Daya Kishan Thussu & Sudeshna Roy (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Communication and Media in the Global South.Philadelphia: Routledge.

  • Taha, B. M.* & Fahmy, S. (Forthcoming). Seeking Awe, Finding Shock: Terrorism and extremism in visual journalism. In Nicole Dahmen & TJ Thomson (Ed.), Routledge Companion to Visual Journalism. Philadelphia: Routledge.

  • Ali, S. S. & Fahmy, S. (2020). Iran. In D. L. Merskin, International Encyclopaedia of Mass Media and Society. (pp. 856-868).  Thousand Oaks: Sage publications. 

  • Al-Rawi, A. & Fahmy, S. (2018). Social Media Use in the Diaspora: The Case of the Syrian Community in Italy. InKarim H. Karim & Ahmed Al-Rawi (Ed.), Diaspora and Media in Europe: Migration, Identity, and Integration. (pp. 71-96).  Palgrave Macmillan, New York.

  • Fahmy, S. & Alkazemi, M. (2017). Visuality/Visualization. In P. Roessler, International Encyclopedia of Media Effects. (pp. 1-15.) Wiley-International Communication Association (ICA) International Encyclopedias of Communication series. New York: Wiley-Blackwell.

  • Zhang, J. & Fahmy, S. (2014). Live tweeting at work: The use of social media in public diplomacy. In Guy Golan, Sung-Un Yang & Dennis Kinsey (Ed.), International Public Relations and Public Diplomacy: Communication and Engagement. (pp. 315-330). Peter Lang Publishing, New York.

  • Ali, S.& Fahmy, S. (2013). The icon of the Egyptian revolution: Using social media in the toppling of a Mideast government. In Ralph Berenger (Ed.), Social media go to war—Civil unrest, rebellion and revolution in the age of twitter. (pp. 383-398). Washington: Marquette Books LLC.

  • Fahmy, S. (2009). How could so much produce so little?  Foreign affairs reporting in the wake of 9/11. In Guy Golan, Thomas J. Johnson and Wayne Wanta (Eds.), International media in a global age. (pp. 147-159). Philadelphia: Routledge.

  • Johnson, T. & Fahmy, S. (2009). See no evil, hear no evil, judge as evil? Examining whether Al-JazeeraEnglish-language website users transfer credibility to its satellite network. In Guy Golan, Thomas J. Johnson and Wayne Wanta (Eds.), International media in a global age. (pp. 241-260). Philadelphia: Routledge.

  • Fahmy, S. & Johnson, T. (2007). The caged bird sings: How reliance on Al- Jazeera affects views regarding press freedom in the Arab World. In Phillip Seib (Ed.), New media and the new middle east. (pp. 81-100). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

  • Fahmy, S. (2004). Egyptian media: Into a new millennium. In A. Silverblatt and N. Zlobin (Eds.), International Communications: A media literacy approach. (pp. 172-178). Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.

Refereed Journal Articles 

Note:* indicates co-author was a student at the time the study was conducted and/or published.

  • Elhosary, M.*, Abbas, L.*, Fahmy, S. S. (Forthcoming 2024). “Woman, Life, Freedom” A Visual Rhetoric Analysis of #MahsaAmini on X. International Journal of Communication (IJOC).

  • Ibrahim, O.* & Fahmy, S. S. (Forthcoming 2024). Unveiling the Veil: A Stereotyping Analysis of Hijab in Internet Memes and GIFs. International Journal of Communication (IJOC). 

  • Fahmy, S. S., Salama, M.* & Alsaba, M.* (2024). Shattered Lives, Unbroken Stories: Journalists' Perspectives from the Frontlines of the Israel-Gaza War. Online Media and Global Communication. 3(2): 151-180 [Lead article].

  • Hussain, S. & Fahmy, S. S.  (Forthcoming 2024). Social Media and Conflict: A Visual Analysis of War and Peace Frames in Pakistan. Sage Open.

  • Zamora-Medina, R., Garrido, P. & Fahmy, S. S. (Forthcoming 2024). Unveiling the Main Frames of Islamophobia: Insights from Spanish Experts through Delphi Research. Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico.

  • Bakhash, A., Zran, J. & Fahmy, S. S. (Forthcoming, 2024) Silencing the voices of discontent: How the new digital communication environment reinforces the spiral of silence in the Yemeni crisis. The Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research (JAMMR).

  • Taha, B. M.& Fahmy, S., (Online first, 2023)Where are all the women?  A cross-cultural analysis of women in online news. Newspaper Research Journal.

  • Fahmy, S. & Hussain, S. (2023). War or peace tweets? The case of Pakistan. Media International Australia. 88 (3), 67-85.

  • Zamora-Medina, R., Suminas, A. & Fahmy, S. (2023). Securing the youth vote: A  comparative analysis of digital persuasion on TikTok among political actors. Media  and Communication, 11(2), 218-231.

  • Abbas, L.*, Fahmy, S., Ayad, S.*, Ibrahim, M.* & Ali, A.* (2022). TikTok Intifada: Analyzing social media activism among youth. Online Media and Global Communication, 1(2), 287-314. [Lead article]

  • Fahmy, S., Taha, B. M.* & Karademir, H.* (2022). Journalistic practices on Twitter: A comparative visual study on the personalization of conflict reporting on social media. Online Media and Global Communication, 1(1), 23-59.

  • Ittefaq, M.*, Ejaz, W. Fahmy, S.,  Sheikh, A. (2021). Converged Journalism: Practices and Influences in Pakistan. Media International Australia. 181(1),167–182.

  • Fahmy, S. & Ibrahim, O*. (2021). No, Memes No! Digital Persuasion in the #MeToo Era. International Journal of Communication (IJOC). 15, 2942-67.

  • Zhang, J, Adhikari, D., Fahmy, S. & Kang, S. (2020). Exploring the Impacts of National Image, Service Quality, and Perceived Value on International Tourists behavior: A Nepali Case. Journal of Vacation Marketing. 26(4), 473–488.

  • Fahmy, S. (2020). The Age of Terrorism Media: The Visual Narratives of the Islamic State Group’s Dabiq Magazine. International Communication Gazette. 82(3), 260–288. 

  • Fahmy, S. (2020). Virtual Theme Collection: Journalism and Mass Communication Research in the MENA Region. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. 97(3), 590–593.

  • Bowe, B., Gosen, J. & Fahmy, S. (2019). Personal Choice or Political Provocation: Examining the Visual Framing and Stereotyping of the Burkini Debate. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 96(4), 1076–1098. [JMCQ Outstanding Research Article Award Finalist]

  • Kabir, S. N., Fahmy, S., Rudd, C. (2019). The ‘War on Terror’ in Western Media: A Case Study of Depicting President George W. Bush in Editorial Cartoon. American Communication Journal21(2), 1–16.

  • Alkazemi, M.*, Fahmy, S., Wanta, W. (2018). The Promise to the Arab World: Attributes of U.S. President Obama in Arabic-Language Tweets. International Communication Gazette, 80(2), 119–134. [Lead article]

  • Fahmy, S. (2017). Media, terrorism, and society: Perspectives and trends in the digital age. Mass Communication and Society, 20 (6), 735-739.

  • Neumann, R.* & Fahmy, S. (2016). Measuring journalistic peace/war performance: An Exploratory Study of Crisis Reporters’ Attitudes and Perceptions. International Communication Gazette, 78(3), 223–246.

  • Relly, J.,  Zanger, M. & Fahmy, S. (2015). News media landscape in a fragile state: Professional ethics perceptions in a post-Ba’athist Iraq. Mass Communication and Society 18(4), 471-497.

  • Bowe, B.*, Fahmy, S. & Matthes, J. (2015). U.S. Newspaper provide nuanced picture of Islam. Newspaper Research Journal, 36(1), 42-57.

  • Fahmy, S. & Neumann, R.* (2015). Internet wags the world: Understanding web credibility in the context of citizen/professional journalism, Twitter/blog, and Iran’s Green Revolution. International Communication Research Journal, 50(1), 23-46.

  • Relly, J.,  Zanger, M. & Fahmy, S. (2015) Democratic norms and social learning: A study of influences on Iraqi journalists' attitudes toward information access. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 92(2), 346-373.

  • Relly, J.,  Zanger, M. & Fahmy, S. (2015). Professional role perceptions among Iraqi Kurdish journalists from a state within a state. Journalism: Theory, Practice, and Criticism, 16(8), 1085-1106.

  • Ziani, A-K, Fahmy, S., Al-Jaber, K. & Elareshi, M. (2014). Young Bahrainis’ use of and perceptions of satellite TV news. Journal of Arab and Muslim Media Research, 7(1) 3-20. [Lead article]

  • Ziani, A-K, Fahmy, S. & Elareshi, M. (2014) Arabic-language Newscasts in Four Non-Arab TV Channels: Form and content. Global Media Journal-Arabian Edition3 (1-2) 38-55.

  • Fahmy, S. & Eakin, B.* (2014). High Drama On The High Seas: Peace versus war journalism framing of an Israeli/Palestinian related incident. International Communication Gazette, 76 (1), 81-105.

  • Huang, Y. & Fahmy, S. (2013). Picturing a Journey of Protest or a Journey of Harmony?  Comparing the Visual Framing of the 2008 Olympic Torch Relay in U.S. vs. Chinese Press. Media, War & Conflict, 6 (3) 191-206. [Lead article] 

  • Bowe, B. J.*, Fahmy, S. & Wanta, W. (2013). Missing Religion: The second level agenda setting effect of news coverage of Islam in American newspapers. International Communication Gazette, 75 (7), 636-652.

  • Fahmy, S. & Al-Emad, M.* (2013). Did Al Jazeera's online coverage change over time? Comparing the reporting of the Iraq war in 2004 versus 2007. Global Media Journal-Arabian Edition, 2(1-2), 111-126.

  • Ali, S.* & Fahmy, S. (2013). Gatekeeping & citizen journalism: The use of social media during the recent uprisings in Iran, Egypt, and Libya. Media, War & Conflict 6(1), 55-69.

  • Fahmy, S., Mckinley, C., Filer, C. * & Wright, P. * (2013) “Pulling the plug on grandma”: Obama’s health care pitch, media coverage & public opinion. Advances in Journalism and Communication, 1 (3), 1-7, 19-25. [Lead article]

  • Fahmy, S., Wanta, W. & Nisbet, E.* (2012). Mediated public diplomacy:  Satellite TV news in the Arab World and perception effects. International Communication Gazette, 74(8), 728-49.

  • Shin, J. H., Fahmy, S. & Lewis, R. A. (2012).  Katrina study shows human interest photos predominant.Newspaper Research Journal, 33(1), 38–53.

  • Fahmy, S. & Johnson, T. (2012). Invasion vs. occupation: A trend analysis of how embeds assess influences and performance in covering the Iraq War. International Communication Gazette, 74(1), 23–42. [The journal editor selected this article free to the public]

  • Neumann, R.* & Fahmy, S. (2012). Analyzing the spell of war: A war/peace framing analysis of the 2009 visual coverage of the Sri Lankan civil war in Western newswires. Mass Communication and Society, 15(2), 169-200. [Lead article]

  • Fahmy, S. & Neumann, R.* (2011). Shooting war or peace photographs? An examination of news wires’ coverage of the conflict in Gaza (2008-2009). The American Behavioral Scientist 56(2),  NP 1-26. [Lead article]

  • Huang, Y.* & Fahmy, S. (2011). Same events, two stories: Comparing the photographic coverage of the 2008 Anti-China/Olympics demonstrations in Chinese and U.S. newspapers. International Communication Gazette, 73(8), 732-752. 

  • McKinley, C.* & Fahmy, S. (2011). Passing the ‘Breakfast Test’: Exploring the effects of varying degrees of graphicness of war photography. Visual Communication Quarterly, 18(2), 70-83. [Lead article]

  • Fahmy, S., Wanta, W., Johnson, T. & Zhang, J. (2011). The path to war: Exploring a second-level agenda building analysis examining the relationship among the media, the public and the president. International Communication Gazette, 73(4), 322–342. 

  • Fahmy, S. & Al-Emad, M.* (2011). Al-Jazeera versus Al-Jazeera: A comparison of the network's English- and Arabic- online coverage of the U.S./Al Qaeda conflict. International Communication Gazette, 73(3), 216-232.

  • Liu, X.* & Fahmy, S. (2011). Exploring the spiral of silence in the virtual world: Individuals' willingness to express personal opinions in online versus offline settings. Journal of Media & Communication Studies, 3(2), 45-57.

  • Fahmy, S. (2010). Contrasting visual frames of our times:  A framing-analysis of English- and Arabic- language press coverage of War and terrorism. International Communication Gazette, 72(8), 695-717.[The journal editor selected this article to be free to the public]

  • Johnson, T. & Fahmy, S. (2010). When ‘good’ conflicts go bad: Testing a frame-building model on embeds’ attitudes toward government news management in the Iraq War. International Communication Gazette, 72(6), 521-544. 

  • Fahmy, S., Relly, J.  & Wanta, W. (2010). President’s power to frame stem cell views limited.  Newspaper Research Journal, 31(3), 62-74. [The journal editor included this article in the AEJMC hot topics in Journalism & Mass Communication – known as Research You Can Use]

  • Johnson, T. & Fahmy, S. (2010). Who is winning the hearts and minds of the Arab Public? An examination of how Arab viewers judge the credibility of Al-Jazeera, Al Arabiya, Al-Hurra and local Arab stations. International Communication Research Journal, 45(1-2) 24-48.

  • Fahmy, S. & Roedl, S.* (2010). Lessons from Virginia Tech: Exploring disparities and commonalities between visual coverage in U.S. newspapers and victims’ families’ perceptions. Visual Communication Quarterly, 17(2), 91-107.

  • Johnson, T. & Fahmy, S. (2010). ‘When blood becomes cheaper than a bottle of water’: How viewers of the English version of Al-Jazeera website judge graphic images of conflict. Media, War & Conflict, 3 (1), 43-66.

  • Zhang, J. & Fahmy, S. (2009). Color revolutions in colored lenses: A comparative analysis of U.S. and Russian press coverage of political movements in Ukraine, Belarus and Uzbekistan. International Journal of Communication (IJOC), 3, 517-539.

  • Fahmy, S. & Johnson, T. (2009). How embedded journalists in Iraq viewed the arrest of Al-Jazeera’s most prominent reporter Taysir Alouni. Media, War & Conflict, 2(1), 45-63.

  • Johnson, T. & Fahmy, S. (2009). Embeds’ perceptions of censorship: Can you criticize a soldier then have breakfast with him the next morning? Mass Communication and Society, 12(1), 52-77. 

  • Fahmy, S. & Kim, D.* (2008). Picturing the Iraq War: Constructing the image of war in British and U.S. press. International Communication Gazette, 70(6), 443-462.

  • Johnson, T. & Fahmy, S. (2008). The CNN of the Arab World or a shill for terrorists?  How support for press freedom and political ideology predict credibility of Al-Jazeera among its audience. International Communication Gazette, 70(5), 339-362. 

  • Fahmy, S. (2008). How Online Journalists Rank Importance of News Skills. Newspaper Research Journal, 29(2), 23-39.

  • Fahmy, S., Kelly, J. & Kim, Y.S.* (2007). What Hurricane Katrina revealed: A visual analysis of the hurricane coverage by news wires and U.S. newspapers. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 84(3), 546-561.

  • Fahmy, S. (2007). ‘They took it down’: Exploring determinants of visual reporting in the toppling of the Saddam Hussein statue in national and international newspapers. Mass Communication and Society, 10(2), 143-170.[Lead article]

  • Fahmy, S. & Johnson, T. (2007). Show the truth and let the audience decide: A web-based survey showing support for use of graphic imagery among viewers of Al-Jazeera. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 51(2), 245-264.

  • Fahmy, S. & Wanta, W. (2007). What visual journalists think others think? The perceived impact  of news photographs on public opinion formation. Visual Communication Quarterly, 14(1), 16-31.

  • Fahmy, S. & Johnson, T. (2007). Embedded versus unilateral perspectives on Iraq War. Newspaper Research Journal, 28(3), 98-114.

  • Fahmy, S. & Johnson, T. (2007). Mediating the Anthrax attacks: Media accuracy and agenda-setting at times of national threat. The Atlantic Journal of Communication, 15(1), 19-40.

  • Fosdick, S. & Fahmy, S. (2007). Epistemic honesty and the default assumption that photos are true. Studies in Media &Information Literacy Education, 7(1), 1-10.

  • Fahmy, S., Cho, S.*, Wanta, W. &  Song, Y.* (2006). Visual agenda-setting after 9-11: individuals’ emotions, image recall and concern with terrorism. Visual Communication Quarterly, 13(1), 4-15.[Lead article]

  • Fahmy, S. & Johnson, T. (2005). ‘How we performed’: Embedded journalists’ attitudes and perceptions towards covering the Iraq War. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 82(2), 301-317. [The journal editor selected this article to be distributed to journalists and media practitioners nationwide]

  • Fahmy, S. (2005). Emerging alternatives or traditional news gates: Which news sources were used to picture the 9/11 attack and the Afghan War? International Communication Gazette, 67(5), 383-400. [Lead article]

  • Fahmy, S. (2005). Photojournalists’ and photo-editors’ attitudes and perceptions: The visual coverage of 9/11 and the Afghan War. Visual Communication Quarterly, 12(3-4), 146-163. [Lead article]

  • Fahmy, S. & Wanta, W. (2005). Testing priming effects: Differences between print and broadcast messages Studies in Media & Information Literacy Education, 5(2), 1-12.

  • Fahmy, S., Fosdick, S. & Johnson, T. (2005). Is seeing believing? A survey of magazine professionals’ practices and attitudes towards ethical standards for photographs. Journal of Magazine & New Media Research, 7(1), 1-18.[Lead article]

  • Fahmy, S. (2004). Picturing Afghan women: A content analysis of AP wire photographs during the Taliban regime and after the fall of the Taliban regime. International Communication Gazette, 66(2), 91-112. [Lead article]

  • Fahmy, S. & Smith, Z. (2003). Photographers note: Digital’s advantages, disadvantages. Newspaper Research Journal,24(2), 82-96.

White Paper

  • Silva, C.,  Aguado, J.D.,  Gerguri, D.,  Kazazi, L., Marklund, B.B., Zamora-Medina, R., Fahmy, S., Vivo, J.M.,  Bettocchi, E., Papaioannou, T., Gil, M., Holloway-Attaway, L.,   Koenitz, H.. (2024). INDCOR White Paper 5: Addressing Societal Issues in Interactive Digital Narratives [White paper]. COST European Cooperation in Science & Technology. Funded by the EU.



  • Fahmy, S.  (1994). Photography exhibition, Rome, Italy/Solo exhibitor  associated with the cultural activities of the town hall of Rome.

Scholarly Presentations                                

Refereed Conference Papers 

Note: * indicates coauthor was a student at the time the study was conducted and/or presented.

indicates top paper award.

  • #Fahmy, S., Salama, M. & Alsaba, M. Shattered Lives, Unbroken Stories: Journalists' Perspectives from the Frontlines of War. Paper presented for the International Communication Division at the AEJMC annual convention. Philadelphia, PA, August 2024.

  • #Alsaba, M. & Fahmy, S.  Seeing differently: Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Visual Narratives Before and After the Abraham Accords in Arab Media. Paper presented for the Visual Communication Division at the AEJMC annual convention. Philadelphia, PA, August 2024.

  • Zamora-Medina, R., Garrido, P. & Fahmy, S. Unveiling the Main Frames of Islamophobia: Insights from Spanish Experts through Delphi Research. Paper presented for the Intercultural Communication Division at the ICA annual convention. Gold Coast, Australia, June 2024.

  • Elhosary, M.*,  Abbas, L.*, Fahmy, S., ‘Woman, life, freedom’: A Visual Rhetoric Analysis of #MahsaAmini on Twitter. Paper presented for the International Communication Division at the AEJMC annual convention. Washington, DC, August 2023.

  • Zamora-Medina, R., Suminas, A. & Fahmy, S. Just a playful dance? Comparing digital persuasion on TikTok among political actors. Paper presented for the 27th World Congress of Political Science. Buenos Aires, Argentina,  July 2023.

  • Zamora-Medina, R., Suminas, A. & Fahmy, S. Securing the youth vote: A comparative analysis of digital persuasion on TikTok among political actors. Paper presented for the Political Communication Division at the ICA annual convention. Toronto, Canada, May 2023.

  • Elhosary, M*, ElShabassy, A.*; Fahmy, S., Gheith, S. *, Thabet, S.* Picturing refugees in Western media: A comparative study of Middle Eastern and European refugees. Paper presented for the Visual Communication Division at the ICA annual convention. Toronto, Canada, May 2023.

  • Fahmy, S. Zamora-Medina, R. & Suminas, A. & Framing candidate image from a strategic perspective: A visual communication analysis on Instagram in 2019 Spanish Elections. Paper presented at the eighth International Journal of Press/Politics  Conference. Loughborough, England, September 2022.

  • El Shabassy, A.*, Nour, N.*, Abbas, L.*, Fahmy, S., Ayad, S.* & Ibrahim, M.*. The Cuban 11th of July Movement: A Critical Discourse Analysis on the Cuban Twitter-Sphere. Paper presented for the International Communication Division at the AEJMC annual convention. Detroit, MI, August 2022.

  • Abbas, L.*, Fahmy, S., Ayad, S.*, Ibrahim, M.* & Ali, A.*. TikTok Intifada: Analyzing social media activism among youthPaper presented for the International Communication Division at the AEJMC annual convention. Detroit, MI, August 2022.

  • Zamora-Medina, R., Suminas, A. & Fahmy, S.  TikTok as a tool for political persuasion: A comparative European perspective. Paper presented at the Annual International Conference on Visual and Performing Arts. Athens, Greece, June 2022.

  • Fahmy, S., Bowe, B. & Taha, B. M.* Going (Corona) Viral with COVID-19 memes: An analysis of English- and Arabic-memes on social media. Paper presented for the Intercultural Communication Division at the ICA annual convention. Paris, France, May 2022.

  • Zamora-Medina,, R., Reebolllleedo, M. & Fahmy, S. Political Communication on Instagram: The case of the 2019 Spanish Elections. Paper presented for the Political Communication Division at the ICA annual convention. Paris, France, May 2022.

  • Zamora-Medina,, R. & Fahmy, S. Using storytelling on TikTok to reduce complexity on political topics: An exploratory study of visual communication strategies from Spanish political parties. Paper presented for the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (EU COST) conference. Budapest, Hungary, September 2021.

  • #Ibrahim, O.* & Fahmy, S. Revealing the Veil in Internet Memes and GIFs: A Comparative Framing and Stereotyping Analysis. Paper virtually presented for the Visual Communication Division at the AEJMC annual convention scheduled to take place in New Orleans, Louisiana, August 2021.

  • Zamora-Medina, R., Reebolllleedo, M. & Fahmy, S. What do you want to show us, my candidate? Visual Communication on Instagram in 2019 Spanish Elections. Paper virtually presented for the International Political Science Association (IPSA) World Congress of Political Science. Lisbon, Portugal, July 2021.

  • Fahmy, S. & Karademir, H.* & Taha, B. M.* Journalistic practices on Twitter: A comparative visual study on the personalization of crisis reporting on social media. Paper virtually presented for the International Forum on China’s Image and Global Communication, Shanghai International Studies University. Shanghai, China, June 2021.

  • Fahmy, S., Zamora-Medina, R. & Reebolllleedo, M. Framing candidate image from a strategic perspective: A visual communication analysis on Instagram in 2019 Spanish Elections. Paper presented for the Communication Power of Global Citizens and Politicians. Paris, France, June 2021.

  • Hussain, S.  & Fahmy, S. Tweeting war and peace in Pakistan: A visual analysis. Paper virtually presented for the Visual Communication Studies Division at the ICA annual convention scheduled to take place in Denver, Colorado, May 2021.

  • Taha, B. M.* & Fahmy, S. Where are all the women? A cross-cultural analysis of women in online news. Paper virtually presented for the Journalism Studies Division at the ICA annual convention scheduled to take place in Denver, Colorado, May 2021.

  • #Fahmy, S. & Karademir, H.* & Taha, B. M.* The narrow-minded world in the free atmosphere of Twitter: Exploring the visual narratives and patterns of Personalized Journalism in the Yemen Civil War. Paper virtually presented for the Visual Communication Division at the AEJMC annual convention scheduled to take place in San Francisco, August 2020.

  • Shin, J. H., Fahmy, S. & Lewis, R. A. Ten years of longitudinal research of airliner disaster news photography: The case of The New York Times. Paper virtually presented for the Visual Communication Division at the  AEJMC annual convention scheduled to take place in San Francisco, August 2020.

  • Ittefaq, M., Sheikh, A., Fahmy, S.,  Ejaz, W. &  Yousaf, M. The Marriage of Inconvenience: An Exploratory Analysis of Media Convergence in Pakistan, Paper virtually presented for the International Communication Division at the  AEJMC annual convention scheduled to take place in San Francisco, August 2020.

  • Fahmy, S. & Hussain, S.  War or peace tweets? A framing analysis of terrorism on Twitter. Paper virtually presented for the Global Communication and Social Change Division at the ICA annual convention scheduled to take place in Gold Coast, Australia, May 2020.

  • Ibrahim, O.* & Fahmy, S. Visualizing the veil: Representation of Hijab in Internet GIFs. Paper virtually presented for the Visual Communication Studies Division at the ICA annual convention scheduled to take place in Gold Coast, Australia, May 2020.

  • Zamora-Medina, R., Reebolllleedo, M. & Fahmy, S. Does visual matters in campaigning online? A visual communication analysis on Instagram in 2019 Spanish Elections. ‘Secondary data is cool: Political communication research from open repositories. Congress on ‘Open Communication.’ Paper virtually presented for the Political Communication Association (ACOP) at the ICA annual convention scheduled to take place in Gold Coast, Australia, May 2020.

  • Fahmy, S. & Ibrahim, O.* No, Memes No! Digital Persuasion in the #MeToo Era. Paper presented for the Visual Communication Division at the AEJMC annual convention. Toronto Canada, August 2019.

  • Zhang, J, Adhikari, D., Fahmy, S. & Kang, S. Exploring the Impacts of Tourism Value and News Consumption on National Image of Less Developed Nations: A Nepali Case. Paper presented for the Public Diplomacy Interest Group at the ICA annual conference. Washington DC,  May 2019.

  • Bowe, B., Gosen, J. & Fahmy, S. Personal Choice or Political Provocation: Examining the Visual Framing and Stereotyping of the Burkini Debate. Paper presented for the Visual Studies Division at the ICA annual convention. Prague, Czech Republic, May 2018.

  • Fahmy, S. Instant Storytelling: Communicating visuals of conflict in the new media environment. Paper presented at the Arab-U.S. Association for Communication Educators (AUSACE). Cairo, Egypt, October 2017.

  • Al-Rawi, A. & Fahmy, S. Social Media Use in the Diaspora: The Case of the Syrian Community in Italy. Paper presented at the Annual International Conference on Social Sciences, Athens, Greece, July 2017.

  • Fahmy, S. The Islamic State’s Visual War: Spotting the Hi-tech Narratives Within the Chaos. Paper presented for the International Communication Division at the AEJMC annual convention. Minneapolis, MN, August 2016.

  • Alkazemi, M. *, Fahmy, S., Wanta, W. & Abdelzaheer, A.* The Promise to the Arab World: Attribute Agenda Setting and Diversity of Attributes about U.S. President Obama in Arabic-Language Tweets. Paper presented for the International Communication Division at the AEJMC annual convention. San Francisco, CA., August 2015.

  • Ali, S. & Fahmy, S. Comparative Analysis of Visualizing Natural Disasters: Picturing images of floods in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina versus Pakistan. Paper presented for the Visual Communication Division at the ICA annual convention. San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 2015.

  • Fahmy, S. & Neumann, R.* Internet wags the world: Understanding web-credibility in the context of citizen journalism, micro-blogs, and the Iranian Green Revolution. Paper presented for the International Communication Division at the AEJMC annual convention. Montreal, Canada, August 2014.

  • Ali, S.* & Fahmy, S. Visualizing victims of disaster: A comparison of Associated Press images of Hurricane Katrina and Pakistan. Paper presented at the Broadcast Education Association (BEA) annual convention. Las Vegas, NV, April 2014.

  • Ziani, A-K, Fahmy, S. & Elareshi, M. Young Bahrainis’ Use of and Perception of Satellite TV News Services. Paper presented at the BEA annual convention. Las Vegas, NV, April 2014.

  • Relly, J.,  Zanger, M. & Fahmy, S. Journalists' perceptions of professional ethics norms in post-Ba'athist Iraq. Paper presented for the International Communication Division at the AEJMC annual convention. Washington, DC., August 2013.

  • Neumann, R.* & Fahmy, S. Developing a survey instrument of journalistic peace/war performance: Toward a reliable assessment of crisis-reporters’ attitudes. Paper presented for the International Communication Division at the AEJMC annual convention. Washington, DC., August 2013.

  • Relly, J.,  Zanger, M. & Fahmy, S. Democratic norms and social learning: A study of influences on Iraqi journalists' attitudes toward information access. Paper presented for the Political Communication Division at the ICA annual convention. London, UK, June 2013.

  • Fahmy, S., Mckinley, C, Filer, C.* & Wright, P.*  “Pulling the plug on grandma”: Obama’s health care pitch, media coverage & public opinion. Paper presented for the Mass Communication Division at the AEJMC annual convention. Chicago, IL, August 2012.

  • Ali, S.* & Fahmy, S. Gatekeeping & citizen journalism: The use of social media during the recent uprisings in Iran, Egypt, and Libya. Paper presented for the International Communication Division at the AEJMC annual convention. Chicago, IL, August 2012.

  • #Eakin, B.* & Fahmy, S. High drama on the high seas: Peace vs. war journalism framing of the Mavi Marmara incident. Paper presented for the International Communication Division at the AEJMC annual convention. Chicago, IL, August 2012.

  • Ali, S.* & Fahmy, S.  The icon of the Egyptian revolution: Using social media in the toppling of a Mideast government. Paper presented for the Visual Communication Division at the AEJMC annual convention. Chicago, IL, August 2012.

  • Fahmy, S. & Neumann, R.* Telling the untold stories of crisis reporting: Journalistic perceptions toward peace versus war coverage. Paper presented for the Journalism Studies Division at the ICA annual convention. Phoenix, AZ, May 2012.

  • Filer, C.*, Kenski, K., Fahmy, S. & Rains, S. Spreading news about the flu: H1N1 and Intermedia agenda setting in national and local newspapers. Paper presented for the Mass Communication Division at the ICA annual convention. Phoenix, AZ, May 2012.

  • Fahmy, S. & Al-Emad, M.* Did they tone it down? Comparing the coverage of the Iraq War in Al-Jazeera English-language website in 2004 versus 2007Paper presented at the Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research (MAPOR) annual convention. Chicago, IL, November 2011.

  • Zhang, J. & Fahmy, S. Live tweeting at work: The use of social media in public diplomacy. Paper presented for the Communication Technology (CTEC) Division at the AEJMC annual convention. St. Louis, MO, August 2011.

  • #Bowe, B. J.*, Fahmy, S. & Wanta, W. The second level agenda setting effect of news coverage of Islam in American newspapers. Paper presented for the Religion and Media interest group at the AEJMC annual convention. St. Louis, MO, August 2011.

  • Seate, A. S.* & Fahmy, S. Level of expertise, webpage type and internet credibility: Understanding Internet journalism in the context of the Iran revolution. Paper presented for the Journalism Studies Division at the ICA annual convention. Boston, MA, May 2011.

  • Huang, Y.* & Fahmy, S. Symbols of nationalism or symbols of repression? The visual framing of the 2008 Olympic torch relay in U.S. and Chinese dailies. Paper presented for the Visual Communication Studies Division at the ICA annual convention. Boston, MA, May 2011.

  • # Neumann, R.* & Fahmy, S. Analyzing the spell of war: A war/peace framing analysis of the 2009 visual coverage of the Sri Lankan civil war in newswires. Paper presented for the International Communication Division at the AEJMC annual convention. Denver, CO, August 2010.

  • Fahmy, S. & Neumann, R.* Shooting war or peace photographs?  An examination of news wires’ coverage of the conflict in Gaza (2008-2009). Paper presented for the Visual Communication Studies Division at the ICA annual convention. Singapore, June 2010.

  • Huang, Y.* & Fahmy, S. Same Events, two stories: Comparing the photographic coverage of the 2008 anti-China/Olympics demonstrations in Chinese and U.S. newspapers. Paper presented for the Visual Communication Studies Division at the ICA annual convention. Singapore, June 2010.

  • Johnson, T. & Fahmy, S. When blood becomes cheaper than a bottle of water. Paper presented at the World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR) annual conference. Lausanne, Switzerland, September 2009.

  • Nisbet, E.* & Fahmy, S. USA’s Image overseas:  Contributing factors, image effects and public diplomacy implications. Paper presented for the International Communication Division at the AEJMC annual convention. Boston, MA, August 2009.

  • Liu, X.* & Fahmy, S. Testing the spiral of silence in the virtual world: Monitoring opinion-climate online and individuals' willingness to express personal opinions in online versus offline settings. Paper presented for the Political Communication Division at the ICA annual convention. Chicago, IL, May 2009.

  • Johnson, T. & Fahmy, S. A star is shorn: How embedded journalists in Iraq viewed the arrest of Al-Jazeera’s most prominent reporter Taysir Alouni. Paper presented at MAPOR annual convention. Chicago, IL, November 2008.

  • Al-Emad, M.* & Fahmy, S. The Iraq War on Al-Jazeera websites: Did the English -and Arabic- language users experience different online coverage? Paper presented for the International Communication Division at the AEJMC annual convention. Chicago, IL, August 2008.

  • Fahmy, S. & Roedl, S.* Lessons from Virginia Tech: Examining disparities and commonalities between visual coverage in U.S. newspapers and audience perceptions. Paper presented for the Visual Studies Division at the ICA annual convention. Montreal, Canada, May 2008. 

  • Johnson, T. & Fahmy, S. Who is winning the hearts and minds of the Arab Public? An examination of how Arab viewers judge the credibility of Al-Jazeera, Al-Arabiya, Al-Hurra and local Arab stations. Paper presented at the MAPOR annual conference. Chicago, IL, November 2007.

  • Fahmy, S. & Johnson, T. On second thought: A longitudinal analysis of how embeds assess influences and performance in reporting the Iraq War. Paper presented for the Media Ethics Division at the AEJMC annual convention. Washington, D.C., August 2007.

  • Fahmy, S., Johnson, T., Zhang, J. & Wanta, W. The path to war: A second-level agenda-building analysis examining the relationship among the media, the public and the president. Paper presented for the Communication Theory and Methodology Division at the AEJMC annual convention. Washington, D.C., August 2007.

  • Fahmy, S. Retooling The news approach: Online news professionals’ attitudes towards current and future journalism skills. Paper presented for the Scholastic Journalism Division at the AEJMC annual convention. Washington, D.C., August 2007.

  • Johnson, T. & Fahmy, S. When good conflicts go bad: Testing a hierarchy-of-influences model on embeds’ attitudes toward censorship in the Iraq War. Paper presented for the Mass Communication and Society Division at the AEJMC annual convention. Washington, D.C., August 2007.

  • Al-Emad, M.* & Fahmy, S. Do they frame it differently? Examining the coverage of the U.S./Al-Qaeda conflict in the English- and Arabic- language Al-Jazeera websites. Paper presented for the International Communication Division at the AEJMC annual conference. Washington, D.C., August 2007.

  • Fahmy, S. How could so much produce so little?  Foreign affairs reporting in the wake of 9/11. Paper presented for the Intercultural And Development Communication/International And Development Communication Division at the ICA annual convention, San Francisco, CA, May 2007.

  • Al-Emad, M.*, Fahmy, S.  & Johnson, T. One war, two websites? Examining news sources used in framing the Iraq War in English- and Arabic- language Al-Jazeera web sites. Paper presented at the Media, War & Conflict conference. Milwaukee, WI, April 2007.

  • Fahmy, S. & Johnson, T. The caged bird sings: How reliance on Al-Jazeera TV Predicts views regarding freedom of the press in the Arab World. Paper presented at the MAPOR annual convention. Chicago, IL, November 2006.

  • Zhang, J., Fahmy, S. & Roedl, S.* Color revolutions in colored lenses: A comparative study of U.S. and Russian press coverage of revolutions in Ukraine, Belarus and Uzbekistan. Paper presented at the MAPOR annual convention. Chicago, IL, November 2006.

  • Fahmy, S., Kelly, J. & Kim, Y.S.* What Hurricane Katrina revealed: A visual analysis of the hurricane coverage by newswires and U.S. newspapers. Paper presented at the Visual Communication Division at the AEJMC annual convention. San Francisco, CA, August 2006.

  • Fahmy, S. & Kim, D.* Picturing the Iraq War: Constructing the image of war in British & U.S. media. Paper presented at the Visual Studies Division at the ICA annual convention. Dresden, Germany, June 2006.

  • Johnson, T. & Fahmy, S. See no evil, hear no evil, judge as evil? Examining the degree to which users of Al-Jazeera English-language website transfer credibility views to its satellite network counterpart. Paper presented for the Mass Communication Division at the ICA annual convention. Dresden, Germany, June 2006.

  • Fahmy, S. & Johnson, T. Different positions, different perspectives: How and why embed coverage differed from unilateral coverage of the Iraq War. Paper presented at the MAPOR annual convention. Chicago, IL, November 2005.

  • Fahmy, S., Zhang, J. & Wanta, W. Rationalizing war: A path analysis model of agenda building. Paper presented for the Mass Communication and Society Division at the AEJMC annual convention. San Antonio, TX, August 2005.

  • Fahmy, S. & Johnson, T. Show the truth and let Al-Jazeera audience decide: Support for use of graphic imagery among Al-Jazeera viewers. Paper presented for the Mass Communication and Society and Minorities and Communication Divisions at the AEJMC annual convention. San Antonio, TX, August 2005.

  • Johnson, T. & Fahmy, S. Embeds’ perceptions of censorship: Can you criticize a soldier then have breakfast with him the next morning? Paper presented for the Mass Communication and Society Division at the AEJMC annual convention. San Antonio, TX, August 2005.

  • Fahmy, S. & Wanta, W. What photojournalists think others think: The visual coverage of 9/11 and the Afghan War.Paper presented for the Visual Studies and Journalism Studies Divisions at the ICA annual convention. New York City, NY, May 2005.

  • Johnson, T. & Fahmy, S. The CNN of the Arab World or a shill for terrorists?  How support for press freedom and political ideology predict credibility of Al-Jazeera among its audience. Paper presented for the Mass Communication Division at the ICA annual convention. New York City, NY, May 2005.

  • Fahmy, S. ‘They Took It Down’: Picturing the toppling of the Saddam Hussein statue in national and international newspapers. Paper presented for the Visual Communication Division at the AEJMC annual convention. Toronto, Canada, August 2004.

  • Fahmy, S. & Johnson, T. ‘How we performed’: Embedded journalists’ attitudes and perceptions towards covering the Iraq War. Paper presented for the Mass Communication and Society Division at the AEJMC annual convention. Toronto, Canada, August 2004.

  • Fahmy, S. Framing visual news: The 9/11 attacks and the war in Afghanistan in English- and  Arabic- language newspapers. Paper presented for the Political Communication Division at the ICA annual convention. New Orleans, LA, May 2004.

  • Fahmy, S. Which news sources were used to picture The 9/11 attacks and the Afghan War? Paper presented for the Intercultural And Development Communication/ International and Development Communication Division at the ICA annual convention. New Orleans, LA, May 2004.

  • Fahmy, S. Photojournalists’ attitudes towards picturing the 9/11 attacks and the war in Afghanistan. Paper presented for the Mass Communication Division at the ICA annual convention. New Orleans, LA, May 2004.

  • Fahmy, S., Fosdick, S. & Johnson, T. Is seeing believing? A survey of magazine professionals’ practices and attitudes towards ethical standards of photographs. Paper presented for the Visual Communication Interest Group at the ICA annual convention. New Orleans, LA, May 2004.

  • Wanta, W., Cho, S.*, Fahmy, S. &  Song, Y.* Visual agenda-setting after 9-11: Individuals’ emotions, image recall and concern with terrorism. Paper presented for the Visual Communication Interest Group at the ICA annual convention. New Orleans, LA, May 2004.

  • Fahmy, S. ‘They took it down’: Picturing the toppling of the Saddam Hussein statue in international newspapers. Paper presented at the AEJMC mid-winter conference. New Brunswick, NJ, February 2004.

  • Fahmy, S. Mediating The anthrax attacks: Media accuracy and agenda-setting at times of national threat. Paper presented at the MAPOR annual convention. Chicago, IL, November 2003.

  • Fosdick, S. & Fahmy, S. Punctuation and epistemic honesty: Do photos need what words have? Paper presented for the Media Ethics Division at the AEJMC annual convention, Kansas City, MO., August 2003.  

  • Fahmy, S. & Wanta, W. Testing priming Effects: Differences between print and broadcast messages.  Paper presented for the Information Systems Division at the ICA annual convention. San Diego, CA, May 2003.

  • Fahmy, S. Picturing Afghan women: A content analysis of AP wire photographs during and post-Taliban rule.  Paper presented for the Visual Communication Interest Group at the ICA annual convention. San Diego, CA, May 2003.

  • Adhikari, D.*, Everbach, T.* & Fahmy, S. Watching the watchdogs: An ethnomethodological study of news decision-making at a small Midwestern newspaper. Paper presented for the Newspaper Division at the AEJMC annual convention, Miami, FL, August 2002.  

  • Fahmy, S. & Smith, Z. The impact of adopting digital imaging technology on the work of daily photojournalists: Insights from those affiliated with the “Picture of the Year” contest. Paper presented for the Visual Communication Interest Group at the at the ICA annual convention. Seoul, South Korea, July 2002.

  • Fahmy, S . Adaptation in the Egyptian film industry and cultural identity. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Arab-U.S. AUSACE. Atlanta, GA., October 2001.

  • Fahmy, S. Cultural imperialism and the cinema crisis in Egypt. Paper presented at the annual AUSACE convention. Beirut, Lebanon, October 1999. 

Refereed Conference Panels 

  • Promoting Scholarship on Social Media: Voices and Platforms. PF&R panel sponsored by the Communication Theory and Methodology (CTAM) and the Broadcast and Mobile Journalism (BAMJ) Divisions at the AEJMC annual convention, Philadelphia, PA, August 2024.

  • Shifting Paradigms: Advancing Communication Research in the MENA Region. Refereed panel entitled Sustainable Scholarship and Information for Development in the Global South, sponsored by Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) at the AEJMC annual convention, Philadelphia, PA, August 2024.

  • Fulbright Scholars Studying Visual Communication. Refereed zoom panel sponsored by the Visual Communication Division at the AEJMC annual convention scheduled to take place in New Orleans, Louisiana,. August 2021. 

  • Persuasive Techniques in Digital Activism: #MeToo Memes on Twitter. Refereed panel sponsored by the Global Liberal Arts Alliance Institute Transnational Feminisms, The American University of Paris. Paris, France, March, 2020. 

  • Visual Cultures of Terror: Examining the Visual Communication of Islamic State (IS(IS). Refereed panel sponsored by the Visual Communication Studies Division at the ICA annual convention. Fukuoka, Japan, June 2016.

  • Preconference methodological expert: Young Scholars Preconference on Visual Methods. Refereed panel sponsored by the Visual Studies Division at the ICA annual convention. San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 2015.

  • Pushing the Boundaries of Journalism Studies: Photojournalism in Transition. Refereed panel sponsored by the Visual Studies Division at the ICA annual convention. San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 2015.

  • Mapping the visual coverage of death. Refereed panel sponsored by the Visual Studies Division at the ICA annual convention. London, UK, June 2013.

  • News media framing of Islam. Refereed panel sponsored by the Mass Communication and Society Division at the AEJMC annual convention. St. Louis, August 2011.

  • Judging graphic images of war and terrorism by viewers of the English version of Al-Jazeera website. Refereed panel at the BEA annual convention. Las Vegas, NV, April 2011.

  • Humanitarian frames of conflict in Arab Media. Refereed panel sponsored by the International Studies Association (ISA) annual convention. New York, NY, February 2009.

  • I watch CNN – nobody gets killed. I watch Al-Jazeera – it’s like tragedy. Refereed panel sponsored by the Intercultural & Development Communication/ International and Development Communication Division at the ICA annual convention. San Francisco, CA, May 2007.

  • How Americans saw the Iraq War: Constructing the image of war in the U.S. press. Refereed panel sponsored by the Visual Studies Division at the ICA annual convention. Dresden, Germany, June 2006.

International Symposia 

  • Mentor. ICA Visual Communication Studies division research escalator session at the ICA annual convention. Gold Coast, Australia, June 2024.

  • Mentor. ICA Visual Communication Studies division research escalator session at the ICA annual convention. Toronto, Canada, May 2023.

  • Expert speaker. The role of social media in peacebuilding. Basel Peace Forum 2022, Basel, Switzerland, January 2022.

  • Keynote address. The international conference on Media and communication, Department of Arts and MEDIA. Foundation University Islamabad, Pakistan, March 2021.

  • Keynote address. Media for Peace Symposium at the Center for Digitization and Technology Research of the Bundeswehr in Munich, Germany, October 2021.

  • Westphalia for the Middle East. Forum on Geopolitics sponsored by the German Academic Exchange Service [DAAD]). University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, December 2019.

  • Effective counter narrative: How to build a strategy to combat extremism on social media. The Arab World Center for Advanced Research & Studies, Cairo, Egypt. November 2018.

  • #MeToo in Internet Memes: Visual Representation of The MeToo Campaign Memes on Twitter. (with Omneya Nagib Ibrahim) “Digital Humanities: a Showcase”. AUC, Cairo, Egypt, October 2018. 

  • Reporting terror: Problems and dilemmas – solutions and ethics. Nordisk Journalistik Lærer Seminar (Nordic Journalism Teacher Seminar) Fuglsøcenteret, Denmark, September 2018.

  • The age of ‘terrorism media’: Exploring the visual narratives of ISIS in the new media environment. New Media Global Symposium. Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China, June 2018.

  • Contemporary visual trauma: Mediating hi-tech imagery of war and terrorism. Presented for the News Images and Icons in the Digital Age: Photojournalism in Transition Symposium, Jerusalem, Israel, January 2017.

  • Beyond Perpetrators and Victims of Violence. The Alternate Narratives of the Middle East Conference, sponsored by Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. New York City, NY, October 2015.

  • Keynote address. Visual Framing in Press Photography: Prominent Trends & Methodological Challenges. The Hans-Bredow-Institute for Media Research. The University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, October 2013.

  • Contrasting narratives of war and terrorism in Arabic– and-English language papers. Sponsored by Dart West (Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma). The University of Washington Center for Global StudiesSeattle, WA, March 2011.

  • Insights into the Arab World. Moderated by Terry Anderson (Former chief Middle East correspondent for The Associated Press). Presented for the School of Journalism and Telecommunications, the University of KentuckyLexington, KY, April 2009.

  • Gatekeeping decisions: A comparative visual analysis of Hurricane Katrina in U.S. newspapers and wire services. Presented for the Department of Communication colloquium series, the University of ArizonaTucson, AZ, March 2009.

  • Afghan women in Western media. Lecture Series of Near Eastern Studies Department at the University of ArizonaTucson, AZ, December 2008.

  • Responses in the middle East to the U.S. Presidential election results, with an emphasis on Egypt, blogging, and media. The Middle East and the 2008 U.S. Presidential Elections ssymposium. The Center for Middle Eastern Studies public forum, the University of Arizona. Tucson, AZ, November 2008.

  • How can pictures change the world? Transnational visual coverage of war and terrorism. Re/Covering Islam: Who, when, where, and how the news mediates religion and politics conference on religion, journalism, and public diplomacy at the Annenberg School of Journalism. funded by a Luce Foundation embed. Los Angeles, CA, April 2008.

  • When more is less: Quality vs. quantity in foreign affairs reporting. We Hold These Truths? How New Technology is Changing Foreign Affairs Reporting symposium. The Reilly Center for Media and Public Affairs and the Manship School of Mass Communication, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, November 2005.

  • Embedded journalists’ attitudes and perceptions towards covering the Iraq War. The Global Media Research Center at Southern Illinois University. Carbondale, IL, October 2004.

Invited Presentations and Panels 

  • How to grow Peace Journalism. Innovations in Journalism and Social Media, 6-part Peace Journalism webinar series, sponsored by the Media and Peacebuilding Project, The School of Media and Public Affairs at George Washington University, the Center for Global Peace Journalism, and War Stories Peace Stories: Peace Conflict & The Media, April, 2024.

  • Cracking the Code: Strategies for Getting Published in Top Academic Journals. University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE, November, 2023.

  • Meet the AEJMC Publications’ Editors and Translation Fellows. AEJMC annual convention. Washington, DC, August 2023.

  • Nothing is Safe for Women Online: Hatred, Abuse, and Women Journalists in the Age of Digitalization in the Global South. AEJMC annual convention. Washington, DC, August 2023.

  • Undergraduate Research (panel sponsored by AEJMC). ICA annual convention. Toronto, Canada, May 2023.

  • How to publish in top academic journals. Department of Media Studies, Faculty of Bahria Humanities and Social Sciences School, Islamabad, Pakistan, February 2023.

  • Media and opinion polarization: The good, the bad and the ugly. How public opinion is formed conference. The Jordan Media Institute, Amman, Jordan. January 2023.

  • What do editors and reviewers look for? Preparing your paper for journal publication – sponsored by Erasmus + The University of Murcia, Spain, July 2022.

  • The role of media and soft power in promoting Arab women's participation in peace processes – organized for the members of the Arab Women Mediators Network ⎯ affiliated to the League of Arab States – in the context of the implementation of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325, and Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA). Cairo, Egypt, November 2021.

  • Visualizing Terrorism. The Women’s Association, Cairo, Egypt. December 2020.

  • How to build and maintain a research agenda to generate top publications in our communication field. AUC, Cairo, Egypt. November 2020.

  • Analyzing Visual Messages: The Burkini Debate in pictures. International  conference on hate speech – sponsored by The University of Murcia, in collaboration with the Ministry of Women, Equality, LGTBI, and Families and Social Policy of the Region of Murcia. University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain, February 2020.

  • The Age of ‘Terrorism Media’: Exploring the Visual Narratives of ISIS in the New Media Environment. University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, February 2019.

  • Thick Skin: Top Publishing Tips to Top Scholars. University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, February 2019. 

  • Investigating ISIS ‘s Visual Narratives in the New Media Landscape. University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain, February 2019.

  • Top Publishing Advice for Top Academics. University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain, February 2019.

  • The Visual Narratives of the Islamic State Group’s Dabiq Magazine. Szent István Universit. Gödöllő, Hungary, November 2018.

  • Analyzing visuals related to war and terror in Western Media. International Conference on BRI, CPEC and the Global Media: Rhetoric and Reality, International Islamic University. Islamabad, Pakistan, August 2018.

  • China Image and Global Communication Forum, Shanghai International Studies University. Shanghai, China, June 2018.

  • Writing & Publishing in High-Impact Factor Journals. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNU) in Almaty, Kazakhstan, December 2016.

  • The Growing Divide: The Media and Egypt's Image Abroad and at Home. The Regional Center for Strategic Studies (RCSS. Cairo, Egypt, April 2016. 

  • Comparative research in global communication. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNU). Almaty, Kazakhstan, December 2014.

  • Bootcamp for research and pedagogy for the Study of the U.S. Institute (SUSI) on Journalism and Media program, funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Study of the U.S. Branch in the Office of Academic Exchange Programs, Ohio University, August 2014.

  • International crises and conflict reporting. Universität der Bundeswehr in Munich, Germany, April 2014. 

  • The Significance of the Uprisings: What Options Are There For Political Change, and What Are the Obstacles to Getting There. The Arabian Club at the University of Arizona. Tucson, AZ, March 2014.

  • Media's emphasis during and after the Virginia Tech massacre. Honors forum luncheon, Honors College at the University of Arizona. Tucson, AZ, September 2010.

  • Convergence, access, and international news coverage. The International 

  • Communication Division at the AEJMC annual convention. Denver, CO, August 2010.

  • Resources in the media in China. Pre-conference panel for the International Communication division at the AEJMC annual convention. Boston, MA, August 2009.

  • "Islam in the news: Bridging the worlds of academia and journalism." Group project with the University of Arizona Center for Middle Eastern Studies (CMES) and the School of Journalism, 2009. Percent effort: 1%. Role: lecturer on out-of-state conference panels. Source: Social Science Research Council. Amount: $50,000.

  • 10 Steps to Better Interactive Graphics. Teaching and Working in a Multimedia World: Resources for teaching multimedia skills. AEJMC annual convention. Washington D.C., August 2007.

  • Talking to the Media. Sponsored by a Social Science Research Council grant. The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, 2010.

  • Teaching in a Visual Environment. AEJMC annual convention. San Francisco, CA, 2006.

  • Visual Communication Today. AEJMC annual convention.. San Antonio, TX, 2005.

  • Inducted as a fellow of The International Communication Association (ICA), class of 2024.

  • Top Faculty Paper Award (First Place) for the Robert L. Stevenson Open Paper Competition at the International Communication Division of AEJMC, Philadelphia, PA, August, 2024.

  • Top Faculty Paper Award (Runner up) for the Visual Communication Division of AEJMC, Philadelphia, PA, August, 2024.

  • Presidential nominee for the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) amid the 2024 Israel-Gaza war.

  • AUC’s Excellence in Research and Creative Endeavors Award, 2023.

  • Ranked top social scientist in journalism and media in the Arab League – AD Scientific Index 2023.

  • Ranked top social scientist in all of Africa in communication and media studies  – AD Scientific Index 2023.

  • Mentorship Award. The Undergraduate Research Competition in Public Relations & Mass Communications, Abu Dhabi University, May 2022.

  • Outstanding Faculty Research Award, GAPP, AUC, 2022.

  • Expert speaker. Basel Peace Forum 2022, Basel, Switzerland, January 2022.

  • Keynote address. The international conference on Media and communication, Department of Arts and MEDIA. Foundation University Islamabad, Pakistan, March 2021.

  • Keynote address. Media for Peace Symposium at the Center for Digitization and Technology Research of the Bundeswehr in Munich, Germany, October 2021.

  • Outstanding Faculty Research Award, GAPP, AUC, 2021.

  • The Deborah Gump Research Award at the Champions of Editing Research Competitions of AEJMC, August 2021.

  • Top Paper Award (First place) at the Visual Communication Division of AEJMC, August 2021.

  • Top Scholar to Scholar Award at the Visual Communication Division of AEJMC, August 2020.

  • Recipient of the American University of Cairo COVID-19: Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Research and Innovation Initiative award, spring 2020. 

  • JMCQ 2019 Outstanding Research Article Award Finalist. 

  • Top Scholar to Scholar Award at the Visual Communication Division of AEJMC, Toronto, Canada, August 2019.

  • Awarded the AUC HUSS Lab–Georgetown University Collaboration Grant, sponsored by the Andrew Mellon Foundation, summer 2018.

  • Outstanding Faculty Research Award, GAPP, AUC, 2018.

  • Awarded Fulbright Specialist Grant: Social Media and Terrorist Groups at NATO Strategic Communication Center of Excellence sponsored by the State Department and in conjunction with the US embassy, Riga, Latvia, fall 2015. 

  • Awarded Fulbright Specialist Grant: The U.S. Mission to the African Union for the Specialist Project with the UN Economic Commission for Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, fall 2014.

  • Recipient of the Research Excellence Award for the most outstanding book in Visual Communication at the National Communication Association (NCA), Chicago, IL, November 2014.

  • Keynote address. Visual Framing in Press Photography: Prominent Trends & Methodological Challenges. Symposium at the Hans-Bredow-Institute for Media Research, The University of Hamburg, Germany, October 2013.

  • The Ecquid Novi African Journalism Studies Award at the International Communication Division of AEJMC, Chicago, IL, August 2012.

  • Top Faculty Paper Award (First Place) for the Robert L. Stevenson Open Paper Competition at the International Communication Division of AEJMC, Chicago, IL, August 2012.

  • “Shooting war or peace photographs? An examination of news wires’ coverage of the conflict in Gaza (2008-2009).” The article published in The American Behavioral Scientist was featured under ‘Key Research Articles’ on the main site of Psychology Progress series, September 2012.

  • Top Faculty Paper Award (First Place) at the Religion and Media Interest Group of AEJMC , St. Louis, MO, August 2011. 

  • Top Faculty Paper Award (First Place) for the Robert L. Stevenson Open Paper Competition at the International Communication Division of AEJMC, Denver, CO, August 2010. 

  • Recipient of the Indiana Teaching Fellowship, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, 2004.

  • Recipient of a Poynter Fellowship Award. The Poynter Institute, St. Petersburg, FL, 2004.

  • Recipient of the Harlan H. Mendenhall Teaching Enhancement Award, Southern Illinois University, 2004.

  • Research & Development Award, School of Journalism, University of Missouri at Columbia, MO, 2001 & 2003.

  • Dissertation Research Travel Award, The Graduate School, University of Missouri at Columbia, MO, 2002.