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Heba El Deghaidy

  • Position: Associate Professor
  • Department: The Department of Applied Linguistics and Educational Studies
  • Email: [email protected]
Brief Biography

Heba EL-Deghaidy is currently the chair of the Department of Educational Studies at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences. EL-Deghaidy is a professor of science education and leads the STEAM education initiative as an international approach to an interdisciplinary learning model. Her doctoral degree in science education comes from the University of Birmingham, UK. She was the PI of the bilingual STEAM education project funded by British Gas and is the PI of Interdisciplinary Centennial Lab for Innovation and Technology in Education, ICLITE  and Co-PI of School-University Partnership for Peer Communities of Learners, SUP4PCL.

EL-Deghaidy has served as a coordinator for two TEMPUS projects, funded by the European Commission on Education for Sustainable Development. She worked closely with pre-service science teachers and trained and taught in-service science teachers at the graduate level. Her work involved training teachers and university faculty members on contemporary pedagogical strategies.

Along with her teaching experience, EL-Deghaidy brings a wide range of professional experience, having served on various national and international committees and societies. Of the most prominent international societies in science education is the National Association for Research in Science Education (NARST). She was invited as a guest speaker at the Partners School Global Network: British Council, 2020; DP Educational Forum, 2019; third Excellence Conference, “A scientifically educated generation for a prosperous economy”. Center of Excellence in Research in the Development of Science and Mathematics Education, King Saud University, Riyadh- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Fourth Arab Gulf Teacher Forum, Ministry of Education, United Arab Emirates, 2018; the First Inter-Regional Research Conference on Science and Mathematics Education Interfacing Arab and European Science and Mathematics Education Research, at AUB, 2016; 65th Korean Association for Science Education International Conference 2014, International Seminar of Science Education Research Centre, Korean National University of Education.   

Part of her professional service includes reviewing manuscripts and proposals for international journals with high impact factors such as Computers and Education, Journal of Research in Science Teaching,  Journal of Research in Science Teaching, Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (EURASIA) Education, Journal for STEM Education Research, Environmental Education Research, International Journal of Educational Methodology, and others, in addition to participating in national, regional and international conferences. EL-Deghaidy is also an external examiner for many PhD theses in Bahrain, Oman, South Africa, UAE and others.


Research Interest

EL-Deghaidy's research focuses on finding a means to provide for quality teaching and learning opportunities. Her research interests focus on teacher education (pre-service and in-service) in general and science teachers in particular. She has publications in the areas of STEM/STEAM education, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), using educational technology in teaching and learning, teaching portfolios, continuing professional development and other areas.  She has also published book chapters, of which one was translated into Greek, research papers in regional and international peer reviewed journals. 


Massive Open Online Courses

Developed and presented the first Arabic MOOC on STEAM education "STEAM: Linking Education with Life", in collaboration with Edraak.


Forthcoming books:

Mansour, N. & EL-Deghaidy, H. (2021). STEM in science education and S in STEM: from Pedagogy to learning. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Book Chapters

EL-Deghaidy, H. (2020). Education for sustainable development: A means for infusing social responsibility in higher education in Egypt. In N., El-Bassiouny, D., El-Bassiouny, E., Mohamed, & M. Basuony (Eds.). Ethics, CSR and sustainability (ECSRS) education in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region: Conceptualization, contextualization, and empirical evidence. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

EL-Deghaidy, H. (2019). STREAM education for building minds of the future. In Education and jobs of the future: Developing qualified human capital to secure the UAE’s progress. The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research: UAE.

EL-Deghaidy, H. (2017). STEAM methods: A case from Egypt. In A. Sickel and S. Witzig (Eds.)Designing and teaching the secondary science methods course: An international perspective. Sense Publishers.

EL-Deghaidy, H. (2012). Education for sustainable development: Experiences from science teachers’ action research. In V. Makrakis & N. Kostoulas - Makrakis (Eds). New Technologies, Education for Sustainable Development and Critical Pedagogy. ICTeESD University of Crete. ISBN 978-960-87898-7-6, pp. 121- 135. Accessed from: http://icteesd.v-campus.edc.uoc.gr/download/e-Book_Collection.pdf

EL-Deghaidy, H. (2012). Using blended e-learning cooperative approach in higher education: A case from Egypt. in Anastasiades, P. (Ed.) Blended learning environments for adults: Evaluations and frameworks. IGI Global United States of America.

EL-Deghaidy, H. (2010). Teacher education in Egypt: Past, present and future directions. In K. Karakis & C.C. Wolhuter (Eds.) International handbook on teachers education worldwide: Training, issues and challenges for teachers’ profession. Athens: Atrapos Editions.

Peer Reviewed Journals

Lederman, J., Lederman, N., Bartels, S., Jimenez, J., ….. EL-Deghaidy, H,……... (2019). An international collaborative investigation of beginning seventh grade students' understandings of scientific inquiry: Establishing a baseline. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 56(4), 486–515.

EL-Deghaidy, H. (2018). Initial teacher education in primary education in Egypt. In M., Toprak, M., Tatto & I. Menter (Eds). Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. London: Bloomsbury Digital Resources. DOI:10.5040/9781474209441.0052.

EL-Deghaidy, H., Mansour N.,  Alhammad, K. &  Alzaghibi , M. (2017). Context of STEM integration in schools: Views from in-service science teachers. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 13(6), pp. 2459-2484 - DOI: 10.12973/eurasia.2017.01235a. Available at: http://www.iserjournals.com/journals/eurasia/articles/10.12973/eurasia.2017.01235a

Mansour, N., EL-Deghaidy, H., Alshamrani, S. & Aldahmash, A.  (2014). Rethinking the theory and practice of continuing professional development: Science teachers’ perspectives. Research in Science Education, 44(6), 949-973. DOI: 10.1007/s11165-014-9409-y

EL-Deghaidy, H., Mansour, N., & Alshamrani, S. (2014). Science teachers' typology of CPD activities: A socio-constructivist perspective. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 13 (6), 1539-1566.

Biasutti, M. & EL-Deghaidy, H. (2014). Interdisciplinary project-based learning: An online Wiki experience in teacher education. Technology, Pedagogy and Education 24(3), 1-17.. DOI: 10.1080/1475939X.2014.899510

Biasutti, M. & EL-Deghaidy, H(2012). Using Wiki in teacher education: Impact on knowledge management processes and student satisfaction. Computers & Education, 59 (3), 861- 872 8 http://www.aegean.gr/environment/labs/Remote_sensing/publications/Syllog...

EL-Deghaidy, H. (2006). An investigation of pre-service teacher’s self-efficacy and self-image as a science teacher in Egypt. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 7 (2), Article 2. Available Online at http://www.ied.edu.hk/apfslt/