الصفحة الرئيسية

Freedom of Expression Procedures

AUC’s freedom of expression policy grants students, faculty and staff the right to free expression on campus. The procedures below are designed to allow members of the AUC community to fully exercise their right to free expression without impinging on the rights of others, damaging or defacing property, disrupting classes or blocking access to the University or University-scheduled events or ceremonies. In addition, individuals who exercise their right to freedom of expression must follow all other University policies and applicable laws. As stipulated in the policy, the right to freedom of expression does not absolve faculty, students and staff from their responsibilities as members of the AUC community.

Public Assembly

1. Organizers must send an e-mail notification to the Office of Security at least 72 hours prior to the planned assembly, rally or demonstration. The e-mail must include: a) time the event is expected to start b) location on campus where it will be held c) expected duration and d) whether sound amplifiers will be used. The Office of Security may request a change in the location or timing of the event, if sound amplification or the proposed location will either disrupt class or block access to other University functions.

2. All demonstrations or protests must be peaceful, avoiding acts or threats of violence. At the first indication of violence, security personnel will request an immediate end to the event.

3. Any member of the AUC community — a holder of an AUC ID with access to campus — is free to join any assembly on campus. Staff members who wish to participate must comply with all relevant staff policies including, but not limited, to applicable regulations governing working hours and appropriate use of resources.

4. Any individual who is a member of the AUC community is free to distribute printed materials, offer petitions for signature or make speeches without notification or approval. No one may be harassed, intimidated or otherwise unsettled by such conduct.

Procedure for Invited Speakers

1. All guest speakers must be invited through a University-recognized entity (office, department or student organization).

2. Any student organization interested in inviting a speaker must fill out an activity sheet, which should have the approval of its faculty adviser. The activity sheet must be submitted to the Office of Student Development at least 10 working days prior to the event to allow for necessary event planning and logistics. The activity sheet should be submitted to the associate director responsible for the student organization. OSD does not approve speakers, but the office must be notified.

3. To avoid duplication of activities, if more than one student association invites the same speaker, the Club and Conference Committee will give priority to the student association that planned to have the speaker first. Special consideration may be given to the student association whose area of specialization fits the profile of the speaker. The Club and Conference Committee is the final arbitrator of disputes over such invitations.

4. The Office of the President must be notified if government officials are being invited. A draft of the invitation to the government official must be e-mailed to the director of the president’s office at least 10 working days prior to the event.

5. Faculty and staff members who wish to invite a guest speaker must do so through the relevant office or department.

Procedure for Distributing Publications

1. All members of the AUC community are free to distribute publications on campus.

2. Publications produced by student organizations should be shared with the organization’s faculty adviser.

Hanging any posters or banners on AUC property must comply with the policies set by the Office of University Events regarding the reservation of display space. Any publications or banners that are affixed to University property without the appropriate space reservation will be subject to immediate removal.