الصفحة الرئيسية

Michael Reimer

Brief Biography

Michael Reimer is married to Marty Reimer, and they have three children and four grandchildren. He has taught history at AUC since 1990. He teaches courses on: state and society in the modern Middle East; the history of how America and Americans’ have interacted with governments and peoples of the Middle East; the history of Zionism, the state of Israel, and the Arab-Israeli conflict; the history of Second Temple Judaism/early Christianity, including the quest of the historical Jesus.

  • Zionism’s ‘Mighty Leap: A Rhetorical History of Dr. Karpel Lippe’s Address to the First Zionist Congress in Basel, 1897, Rhetoric and Public Affairs (January 2020), 23.4, 675-706

  • The First Zionist Congress: An Annotated Translation of the Proceedings (Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2019

  • Control of Urban Waqfs in al-Salt, Transjordan, in Held in Trust: Uses of Waqf in the Muslim World, Pascale Ghazaleh, ed., Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, 2011, pp. 103-120

  • Galilee vs. Jerusalem: Space and Temporality in Mark’s Gospel, Humanist Perspectives on Sacred Space (Cairo Papers in Social Science, 31:1, published 2011), David Blanks and Bradley S. Clough, eds., pp. 80-98

  • Egyptian Views of Ottoman Rule: Five Historians and their Works, 1820-1920, Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, 31:1 (2011), pp. 149-163

  • Converting the Missionaries, review of Heather Sharkey, American Evangelicals in Egypt: Missionaries Encounters in an Age of Empire (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2008), in Diplomatic History (2011), 35:1, pp. 47-50

  • The Quest of the Historical Jesus at the American University in Cairo: A Progress Report, Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, 21:1 (2010), pp. 23-38

  • The Mansuri Collection at the Library of Congress: An Underutilized Resource for the Study of Religious, Intellectual, and Social History, 44:1 (2010), pp. 19-32.