الصفحة الرئيسية

Nabil Ibrahim Mohareb

  • Position: Associate Professor
  • Department: Department of Architecture
Brief Biography

Nabil Mohareb is currently an associate professor at the American University in Cairo (AUC), Department of Architecture, School of Sciences and Engineering (SSE). He was the former director of Faculty of Architecture – Design & Built Environment, Beirut Arab University, Tripoli Campus, Lebanon. He has worked for distinguished universities in Egypt, United Arab Emirates and Lebanon. Recently he has been an honorary research fellow at the University of Liverpool Virtual Fellowship in Heritage Program Award for 2020-21. Mohareb has earned his second PhD from the University of Liverpool (UK) in 2015.

His research focuses on the relationship between architecture and urbanism; he is interested in social behavior activities, their mutual effect on both spatial and economic variables in urban spaces, and their interrelationship with architectural design. Mohareb uses theoretical and experimental methods in his research including but not limited to Space Syntax, GIS, and recently introducing drones and artificial intelligent (AI) in the field of object monitoring and detection of patterns of behavior at different scale levels (micro/macro scales).

He has several published papers in refereed journals and international refereed conferences. He has participated in number of international funding research related to understanding social behavior activities. He has delivered more than nine workshops in Egypt, Italy and Lebanon, testing experimental methods of analysis, he also has delivered a TEDx talk in Tripoli’s Azmi Street (Lebanon). He serves as an editorial board member of a number of renowned journals: for example, regional editor - Middle East and Africa for the International Journal of Architectural Research Archnet-IJAR, and member of the editorial review board of open house International journal, Emerald Group Publishing.

Research Interest
  • Spatial cognition analysis in buildings and urban spaces
  • Social behavior and patterns of movements in urban and architecture spaces
  • Architectural design
  • 3D documentation using photogrammetry techniques
  • Space Syntax and GIS analysis

Mohareb, N. 2020. Has an Urban ‘New Normal’ become Necessary following the Corona Pandemic? Architecture and Planning Journal (APJ): Vol. 26 (2), Article 5.

Mohareb, N. Samahi, E. Felix, N. 2019. ‘A child-friendly city: a youth creative vision of reclaiming interstitial spaces in El Mina (Tripoli, Lebanon).’ Creativity Studies, 12(1), 102-118. 

Mohareb, N. Maassarani, S. 2019. ‘Assessment of street-level noise in three different urban settings in Tripoli.’ Urban Climate, 29.

Mohareb, N. Omar, O. 2018. ‘Monitoring daily mobility patterns for university students using GPS tracking: Tripoli as a case study.’ In BAU Journal: Health and Well-being, special edition: 1st International Conference on Urban Health & Wellbeing UHWB2018 Building Collaborative Intelligence for Better Lives in Cities, 1(1): 15-23.

Mohareb, N. Maassarani, S. 2018. ‘Design-build: an effective approach for architecture studio education.’ Archnet-iJAR 12 (2): 146-161.

Mohareb, N., & Felix, M.  2017. Affordable and Common Modes of Transportation in Developing Cities and Their Effect on the Sustainability of Streets. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 37, 319-329. 

Mohareb, N. 2016. ‘Searching for urban patterns; an assessment of historic edges and its surrounding context: Historic Cairo as a case study.’ Archnet-IJAR 10 (2): 67–89.

Mohamed, A., Mohareb, N. I, 2015. Social Networks in Space of Unplanned Settlements in Cairo Metropolitan Area. In 10th International Space Syntax Symposium, London, UK.

Mohareb, N. I. 2013. Core/periphery spatial interrelation in historic cities: Tripoli (Lebanon) as a case study. In The Sustainable City VIII Conference. 2013, Putrajaya, Malaysia.

Mohareb, N. Kronenburg, R. 2012. ‘Spatial Analysis of Urban Edges in Arab Historic Walled Cities: Alexandria as a Case Study.’ Planning Perspective 27:3, 439-452, Routledge. 

Mohareb, N. I., Kronenburg R. 2012. Arab walled cities: investigating peripheral patterns in historic Cairo, Damascus, Alexandria, and Tripoli. In 8th International Space Syntax Symposium. 2012, Santiago, Chile.

Mohareb, N. 2011. ‘Emergency evacuation model: accessibility as a starting point.’ Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Urban Design and Planning 164 (4): 215–224.

Mohareb, N. 2010 ‘Land use as a sustainability indicator for Arab cities.’ Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Urban Design and Planning 163 (3): 105–116, doi: 10.1680/udap. 2010.163.3.105.

Mohareb, N. 2009. ‘Street morphology and its effect on pedestrian movement in historical Cairo.’ Cognitive Processing 10 (2): 253-256.

Mohareb, N. I.  2007. Historical sites between local identity and global message. CSAAR 2007 Conference, Regional Architecture and Identity in the Age of Globalization, Tunis.