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Donate Memorabilia

Contribute objects from events or places associated with the revolution. These could include signs, posters or tear gas canisters from demonstrations, stickers, flags, t-shirts and other memorabilia purchased from vendors, as well as sticks and other makeshift weapons used to defend your home.

Donated items will be cataloged and preserved in museum-quality storage, photographed to display on the project Web site and shown at exhibitions.

Visit the Rare Books and Special Collections Library to donate your items or e-mail onthesquare@aucegypt.edu to make other arrangements. If you would like to mail in your artifacts, please send them to the address below with a signed copy of the gift agreement.

University on the Square
Rare Books and Special Collections Library - Rm. 2039
The American University in Cairo
El Tagamo’a El Khames P.O. Box 74
New Cairo, Egypt 11835